Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
It's been so nice in here.


Fight the power.
Not a beer
4.47/5 rDev +14.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Poured from a 12 oz. bottle into a chalice.

Appearance: Pours midnight black with a moderate amount of bubbles. About a finger of tan head that slowly settles into a thin creamy layer.

Smell: A roasty, rich, and fruity dark malt forward aroma with a scent of chocolate, raspberries, bourbon, and oak. Dark roasted barley malt with a scent of dark chocolate, coffee, burnt toast, biscuit, smoke, caramel, and yeast. Big scent of raspberries along with some fruity hints of other berries. Barrel hints of bourbon whiskey, oak, vanilla, and wood. Sweet hints of molasses. Subtle dark fruit hints of cherry, fig and prune. A very good aroma.

Taste: Like the nose hints at, a roasty, rich, and fruity dark malt driven taste with notes of chocolate, berries, oak, and bourbon. Dark roasted barley malt with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, toast, smoke, biscuit, caramel, and yeast. Good juicy berry notes with lots of raspberry. Solid barrel taste with notes of bourbon whiskey, vanilla, oak, and wood. Sweet notes of molasses and cream. Solid dark fruit undertones of fig, cherry, and prune. A pretty good taste.

Mouthfeel: Full bodied with a moderate level of carbonation. Creamy and fairly slick. Alcohol heat is hidden fairly well.

Overall: Another really good twist on a good Stout. The raspberries blend really well with the dark roast notes.

★ 1,351 characters
MattyG85, Nov 30, 2015


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
4.47/5 rDev +14.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Poured from a 12 oz. bottle into a chalice.

Appearance: Pours midnight black with a moderate amount of bubbles. About a finger of tan head that slowly settles into a thin creamy layer.

Smell: A roasty, rich, and fruity dark malt forward aroma with a scent of chocolate, raspberries, bourbon, and oak. Dark roasted barley malt with a scent of dark chocolate, coffee, burnt toast, biscuit, smoke, caramel, and yeast. Big scent of raspberries along with some fruity hints of other berries. Barrel hints of bourbon whiskey, oak, vanilla, and wood. Sweet hints of molasses. Subtle dark fruit hints of cherry, fig and prune. A very good aroma.

Taste: Like the nose hints at, a roasty, rich, and fruity dark malt driven taste with notes of chocolate, berries, oak, and bourbon. Dark roasted barley malt with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, toast, smoke, biscuit, caramel, and yeast. Good juicy berry notes with lots of raspberry. Solid barrel taste with notes of bourbon whiskey, vanilla, oak, and wood. Sweet notes of molasses and cream. Solid dark fruit undertones of fig, cherry, and prune. A pretty good taste.

Mouthfeel: Full bodied with a moderate level of carbonation. Creamy and fairly slick. Alcohol heat is hidden fairly well.

Overall: Another really good twist on a good Stout. The raspberries blend really well with the dark roast notes.

★ 1,351 characters
MattyG85, Nov 30, 2015
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