Well??????Quite possibly.
Well??????Quite possibly.
Working on it. Still a little slusshie in there right now.Well??????
Rookie!Working on it. Still a little slusshie in there right now.
Rookie? I didn't say I didn't have back-up now did I?Rookie!
Warning letter,withdrawn..Rookie? I didn't say I didn't have back-up now did I?
Echo?? More like Spiderman.Echo?
Appears to have some type of helmet on staggering around pissing on his own feet. I'd sure like to know the story behind that.Johney?
I'm sure alcohol is involved.Appears to have some type of helmet on staggering around pissing on his own feet. I'd sure like to know the story behind that.
Yea and no one got hurt there.Fluffers?
People are nuts.Yea and no one got hurt there.
Without a doubt.I'm sure alcohol is involved.
Probably you. LolWithout a doubt.