Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Resident Suit
I don't think my loader knows what sequence number means.
Our most senior preloader, dude with 35 years, is having a load quality and misload issue lately. Easiest vehicles in the building and had 9 misloads yesterday. Thought the driver was going to break his neck this morning they were yelling so loud at each other. Unreal.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Our most senior preloader, dude with 35 years, is having a load quality and misload issue lately. Easiest vehicles in the building and had 9 misloads yesterday. Thought the driver was going to break his neck this morning they were yelling so loud at each other. Unreal.
Not my job to worry about it.


nowhere special
clerk girl has no need for @FrigidFTSup



Retired 23 years
Our most senior preloader, dude with 35 years, is having a load quality and misload issue lately. Easiest vehicles in the building and had 9 misloads yesterday. Thought the driver was going to break his neck this morning they were yelling so loud at each other. Unreal.

If he has 35 years in I doubt he's paying any attention to the screaming driver. And why would the driver be upset to begin with? Don't they just EC them today or management trick record them somehow?


Resident Suit
If he has 35 years in I doubt he's paying any attention to the screaming driver. And why would the driver be upset to begin with? Don't they just EC them today or management trick record them somehow?
No they were delivered. The EC thing is beyond overplayed on here


Retired 23 years
Our most senior preloader, dude with 35 years, is having a load quality and misload issue lately. Easiest vehicles in the building and had 9 misloads yesterday. Thought the driver was going to break his neck this morning they were yelling so loud at each other. Unreal.

Nothing better than a good hourly vs. hourly or hourly vs. management fight to wake up the troops. We had some crazy ones.
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