TldrNo smoker
Shut up.Tldr
It's called a Lazha cooker........ Not a smoker.Hello brother I've. What kind of smoker you got?
Well what's that?It's called a Lazha cooker........ Not a smoker.
Something you can't have...Well what's that?
Not for sale
Yeah you're pretty much looking at $200+ for a quality pair of bootsI think the MOST I've ever paid for shoes or boots was about $75. We had a driver who delivered to a factory authorized Red Wing boot distributor who got 1st dibs on all return Red Wings. He would bring arm loads of them back for us to try out. We usually got them for about $25 to $50 bucks. Most of them you could never tell had been worn. I had a pair of Ultra Setters (I think at that time they sold for 3 hundred bucks) that I paid $40 bucks for.
Everything's for sale just ask Mrs. @TurdfergusonNot for sale
Spoons?Everything's for sale just ask Mrs. @Turdferguson
Yeah you're pretty much looking at $200+ for a quality pair of boots