Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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good people drink good beer
More coffee


good people drink good beer
It will only be really messed up when your Orion sup says he can't do anything with your route, which happened to me. Then the real fun begins.

If your route is messed up ORION will totally fail. No way the ORION team will spend the time and effort to fix a messed up route. They will just pretend it works and move on to the next victim.
Fortunately, the supe doing my ride is one of my regular on car supes so he has to live with the results of getting ORION wrong on my route.


Victory Ride
There r only 2 routes on my box line that have not received the blessing of Orion yet.....mine is one of them.....I have spoken to the trainer .....real nice guy ..young ....from Hartford.......but I sure as hell don't look forward to it
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