Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Just a turd
[SIZE=2][COLOR=#b35900][B]TurdBoy[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] ,
In response to your earlier insensitive insinuations, I was having some dark thoughts about whether the assumed and measured indefinite
open universe
" expansion of the observable universe is based on only 5% of the matter in the universe.* This observable universe is bound to the laws of Newtonian physics at a micro-galactic level ... and not appreciably affected by the other 95% of unobservable matter.

e only way we can detect this 95% unobservable matter is by how it interacts/affects our observable universe. Scientists have deduced the existence of this unobservable mass/matter because that is the amount of mass needed to keep the Milky Way galaxy from flying apart and
not just th
e Milky Way but all other clearly-observed galaxies. The effects become even more apparent and easily detected as one extends their measurements to galactic cluster level and beyond.

So, what do
es all this mean?

e may live in a "closed universe" with a definite end. The 95% of unobservable matter is not bound to Newtonian physics and the
laws of physics applying to this unobservable matter may defin
e a
"closed universe"
for all that matters.

Well, not to step into [COLOR=#5900b3]Princess's[/COLOR] territory but, That is my

Thought for the Day

* ... And in TurdBoys case, exactly 0% of the observable universe!

What insensitive insinuations did I make?


good people drink good beer
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