Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Well-Known Member
He thinks he is black. Nobody wants to be who they are supposed to be anymore
That's where you are wrong. Rap and Hip Hop has no color lines. That's why it has people from all ages and backgrounds as fans. I don't care what color you are, if your music and message resonate with me, that's what's important.


Fight the power.
Like I said before, an imagination is a powerful thing. Lol.


cap'n crunch
I'm prepping for tomorrow. Trimmed and applied rub to 2 slabs of ribs, manufactured a 7-layer dip, baked a loaf of banana nut bread and since i can't stand to see the kitchen the way I trashed it, I loaded the dishwasher up and sat down here to enjoy a diet coke. lol
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