Amatuer Malthusian
Same thing g.a.l.v.a.ni.z.e.d was getting blocked.Probably something to do with the union forum
Same thing g.a.l.v.a.ni.z.e.d was getting blocked.Probably something to do with the union forum
Who is bruno?Maybe @cheryl will tell us.
Oy veySame thing g.a.l.v.a.ni.z.e.d was getting blocked.
B.r.u.n.o.Who is B?
Ahhh, I see what you mean. It's probably one of those names they keep posting of union officials. Let me look at the censored word list. Be right back.Who is B?
I'm afraid to ask why....
Thanks for info. I was confusedYep. That was it. There is a member that reports names and how he's got screenshots of them being posted here. Implying that can get me into some kind of trouble.
I took bruno off the list. If he complains again it will probably go back on because trying to get everyone to understand not to post names during all that union squabbling is a waste of time. They won't stop.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_dirty_wordsAhhh, I see what you mean. It's probably one of those names they keep posting of union officials. Let me look at the censored word list. Be right back.
He's innocuous and ethnic.Why does Bruno Mars have to perform every year?
He's Guido's brother.I never heard of anyone in union named Bruno either.
Still can't believe I missed that. As a 12 year old I would have been in heaven
NopeYou'd miss me