Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Resident Suit
I got a car when I turned 16. It was over 10 years old and a newer one when I graduated.

However I remember a few weeks before I got my one for graduation we saw a flare side truck and I talked about how much I hated flare side trucks. Little did I know my parents had just bought me a flare side ranger.

Mom was so worried when they gave it me. She's like you said you didn't like flare sides we were afraid you wouldn't like it.

It's a free :censored2:ing car. I'm not going to complain!!!
I got my first car when I started at UPS, but the problem was I had 0 credit. Nobody would give me a loan. My stepdad has amazing credit, so I asked him to cosign. But of course because his name was on it he needed input. He wanted a 5 star crash rating and all this other stuff because he was so worried about me in the winters here. Ended up costing me more than I wanted to spend. Thankfully he realized it and threw me a couple grand on it. To me that was the greatest gift I could have ever received, just getting help. If he bought it I might have had a heart attack.


Well-Known Member
I got a car when I turned 16. It was over 10 years old and a newer one when I graduated.

However I remember a few weeks before I got my one for graduation we saw a flare side truck and I talked about how much I hated flare side trucks. Little did I know my parents had just bought me a flare side ranger.

Mom was so worried when they gave it to me. She's like you said you didn't like flare sides we were afraid you wouldn't like it.

It's a free :censored2:ing car. I'm not going to complain!!!
Wow 2 cars by 18. I didn't get a car until I married my sweetheart, and she had an old Ford.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I got my first car when I started at UPS, but the problem was I had 0 credit. Nobody would give me a loan. My stepdad has amazing credit, so I asked him to cosign. But of course because his name was on it he needed input. He wanted a 5 star crash rating and all this other stuff because he was so worried about me in the winters here. Ended up costing me more than I wanted to spend. Thankfully he realized it and threw me a couple grand on it. To me that was the greatest gift I could have ever received, just getting help. If he bought it I might have had a heart attack.
Yeah our first car loan was 10%.


Victory Ride
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