Brown echo
If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
No girlfriend?

No girlfriend?
P*she said the plants would be fine for 9 days---I don't touch the plants
No--never had one in 44 years of marriage and now anyone who would be attracted to me would be too old and ugly (like me). I do like to "look" though. Always have-always will.
getting bored---guess I will go out to the shop and water some plants and build some bird houses. (The wife thought "we" should build some friggin bird houses).
D*So that's why Gumby disappeared for a few days!
Have fungetting bored---guess I will go out to the shop and water some plants and build some bird houses. (The wife thought "we" should build some friggin bird houses).
D * Tracy ???
Sorry, Dad.
Pervert116 ...hurry
What kind of plants?getting bored---guess I will go out to the shop and water some plants and build some bird houses. (The wife thought "we" should build some friggin bird houses).