Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Fugitive From Reality
Did you tip the delivery guys? Have you checked to see if there any manufacturer or local utility rebates?

I replaced all of my major kitchen appliances and my washer/dryer over the past two years. I went w/Lowes for the w/d and was also very impressed. I handed them a $20 when they were done. I used a local appliance company for the rest---I know the owner and he matched Lowes on the price.

Make sure to check on the rebates.
I'll have to check on the rebates. Thanks for the advice. Yes, I tipped them each $10.


Victory Ride
Me and @Turdferguson shared a orange today
Did you tip the delivery guys? Have you checked to see if there any manufacturer or local utility rebates?

I replaced all of my major kitchen appliances and my washer/dryer over the past two years. I went w/Lowes for the w/d and was also very impressed. I handed them a $20 when they were done. I used a local appliance company for the rest---I know the owner and he matched Lowes on the price.

Make sure to check on the rebates.
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