Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special


nowhere special
Under House Bill 375 two Ohio lawmakers, Rep. Tim Brown (R-Bowling Green) and Rep. Steven Arndt (R-Port Clinton), want to fine homeowners who don't clear their sidewalks of snow and ice.

The bills authors cite children who must walk on busy streets because sidewalks are clogged with snow and ice.

Now they want to fine people $50 if they don't shovel their snow.
Under House Bill 375 two Ohio lawmakers, Rep. Tim Brown (R-Bowling Green) and Rep. Steven Arndt (R-Port Clinton), want to fine homeowners who don't clear their sidewalks of snow and ice.

The bills authors cite children who must walk on busy streets because sidewalks are clogged with snow and ice.

Now they want to fine people $50 if they don't shovel their snow.
Good but nobody will enforce it.
Agreed. People should shovel but shouldn't be forced to do it.

Supposedly it is so kids won't have to walk on the street if the sidewalk isn't shoveled. In the city kids walk in the middle of the street in good weather. They never use sidewalks.
Here you got 24 hours to shovel. I don't have a sidewalk that the public uses,so I don't care.
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