Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
wut cat.jpg
Other way around in my crib lol. She falls asleep watching tv on couch I tell her you coming to bed, sometimes yes sometimes no. Sometimes ill go to bed n shell be laying on couch n next morning shell be in bed GO FIGURE DUDE lol. If she don't come to sleep sometimes MRS. CUDDLES( MY DOG) will be up in the bed with me lol
Hey its Jumpman.


.....crickets chirping


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Other way around in my crib lol. She falls asleep watching tv on couch I tell her you coming to bed, sometimes yes sometimes no. Sometimes ill go to bed n shell be laying on couch n next morning shell be in bed GO FIGURE DUDE lol. If she don't come to sleep sometimes MRS. CUDDLES( MY DOG) will be up in the bed with me lol
Man if my wife slept on the couch that'd be freaking awesome.
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