Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Staff member
No one wants a pay cut And the few that would take it are under me or say Saturday's are a deal breaker.

One question. If the job really sucks, or if it gets cut, what would be your position to get back out on the street?

I only ask because I did a 22.3 preload/porter gig for a year and I was bored poop-less. The only way I got back out as quickly as I did was because of a retirement and my (high) seniority.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
One question. If the job really sucks, or if it gets cut, what would be your position to get back out on the street?

I only ask because I did a 22.3 preload/porter gig for a year and I was bored poop-less. The only way I got back out as quickly as I did was because of a retirement and my (high) seniority.
Middle of the Road seniority.

I'd never admit the job sucked. The wife would win then.


Staff member
Lol. Yeah. There's a lot of movement it looks like over the next couple years with drivers and feeders retiring so could likely get back if needed.

As long as you have an exit strategy and are comfortable with the job, do it.

Just don't come whining in two months.;)
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