Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


Wow that's a lot
Of red


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I haven't had a "cool" car for years. About the only thing I could put in that category now is my Harley. You know if you did less posting on BC and more working on that Mustang it would get done quicker for the rest of us to see.
It's hours away at my other house still


Retired 23 years
Lol. Working with an anal mechanic made me that way.

When you're done take 10 minutes whip everything down and put it back where it goes.

Pretty simple really and makes everything go so much faster.

I'm not that motivated. I usually start Monday out with a clean shop but by Wednesday it usually looks like a bomb went off in it. It seems like no matter how small the project is I end up using most everything in my shop somewhere along the line. My problem is I have too many tools---its easier to grab another one from where I know they are than to remember where I laid the last one down.
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