Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Well-Known Member
Richard Dart- Islamic Terrorist... Game, set, match!

Didn't know this was a game.
On the news they said they just spoke to his father and he said it had nothing to do with religion. His son supposedly saw two men kissing in Miami recently and was enraged by it. So I guess it might be categorized as a hate crime.
I just don't get all of the hate. Just because you don't approve of something that other people do, doesn't give you a right to kill them.


good people drink good beer
On the news they said they just spoke to his father and he said it had nothing to do with religion. His son supposedly saw two men kissing in Miami recently and was enraged by it. So I guess it might be categorized as a hate crime.
If I say I am uncomfortable with a transsexual using the bathroom opposite of their born parts I am a hate filled bigot but this screwball commits a horrific crime and will they take his beliefs to task. No, it will be the guns fault.


good people drink good beer
Dylann Roof was Christian, does that make him a Christian terrorist?
In his twisted mind, yes. But myself and the vast majority that believe in Christianity not only reject his beliefs but wholly condemn his horrible actions. Where is that response in Islam?


good people drink good beer
He was a racist POS that happened to be Christian. Anyone that kills in the name of any religion or ideological belief is in the same category. Regardless of their race or religion.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. And if someone claims to be a Christian and uses Christianity to justify a horrific act it is incumbent upon myself as a Christian to condemn their actions
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