Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special


nowhere special
That reminds me of a time couple years ago my wife got stuck at work and she told me to feed my son lunch so I made him a salad and he looked up at me and he started crying his lip started quivering I'll never forget that I felt so bad...
On a positive note though… Now he loves salad.

He probably likes flowers too.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That reminds me of a time couple years ago my wife got stuck at work and she told me to feed my son lunch so I made him a salad and he looked up at me and he started crying his lip started quivering I'll never forget that I felt so bad...
On a positive note though… Now he loves salad.
When my mom got laid off as a teacher she taught night school once a week. That was my dads night to "cook"

We had the most stale pork chops you've ever eaten every Thursday. One night my mom said make peas and mac and cheese. My dad mixed the peas in with the Mac and cheese. We still give him :censored2: 30 years later.
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