Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
You mean a spanking?


Resident Suit
I mean personally I think dress codes in schools are dumb but they are there they are pretty clearly written. No one should be surprised when told to go change. They know what the dress code is.
Having a uniform in school rocked. I never needed to figure out what to wear. I woke up at 7 and was on the bus by 705. Plus, you knew the expectations, there were no grey areas. If you were outside the uniform, you got sent home.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Having a uniform in school rocked. I never needed to figure out what to wear. I woke up at 7 and was on the bus by 705. Plus, you knew the expectations, there were no grey areas. If you were outside the uniform, you got sent home.
I didn't have a uniform and I usually woke up at about 8:15 and was at school 10 minutes away by 8:30.

Difference was I didn't care. Jersey shorts t shirt and sandals 99% of the time.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
It just made life easier.

You should have seen me Day 1 of college. I couldn't figure out what I did with my uniform. Felt like freedom when I finally realized I was done with them.

And then I took a job with a uniform, so yeah.
I think it makes it easier for kids to concentrate on classes, studying, etc, if they don't have to worry about whether they have the latest fashions or name brands.


Resident Suit
I think it makes it easier for kids to concentrate on classes, studying, etc, if they don't have to worry about whether they have the latest fashions or name brands.
Kids still find a way to show off. They just do it in other ways. Instead of showing off clothing they show off their phones, cars, shoes, heck even ties.

Trust me, you become a lot more jealous that Bill got a brand new 5 series for his 17th birthday than the fact he's wearing new Jordans.

Big Arrow Down...D

Leave the gun,take the cannoli
Kids still find a way to show off. They just do it in other ways. Instead of showing off clothing they show off their phones, cars, shoes, heck even ties.

Trust me, you become a lot more jealous that Bill got a brand new 5 series for his 17th birthday than the fact he's wearing new Jordans.
How many ties do you own?
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