Next gen teamster
life goes on not at your convienence howeverI did not watch my buddy's die face down in the mud for nothing. This is not about Vietnam man....
life goes on not at your convienence howeverI did not watch my buddy's die face down in the mud for nothing. This is not about Vietnam man....
You came here.. Nobody asked youYou don't care about us, but you sure as hell like to talk about us plenty. Dear Lord.
I don't even know what they are arguing over. Sounds to me like they need to go in a room and hug it out!Y'all acting like you got vaginas. I would know...virtual fist fight and be buds again.
Quit talking smile* and I'll do exactly that. Until then you won't see me going anywhere. You talk a big game, but can't say it to anybody's face. I will though.Nobody asked you here.
Now go away
friend* noI don't even know what they are arguing over. Sounds to me like they need to go in a room and hug it out!
Because you couldn't keep your alcoholic mouth shut.You came here.. Nobody asked you's the internet.Quit talking smile* and I'll do exactly that. Until then you won't see me going anywhere. You talk a big game, but can't say it to anybody's face. I will though.
Quit talking smile* and I'll do exactly that. Until then you won't see me going anywhere. You talk a big game, but can't say it to anybody's face. I will though.
friend* him
He is management and we only tolerate him
You can all hate me but he will never be o e of us.
His arrogance management shows
Sword fight..I don't even know what they are arguing over. Sounds to me like they need to go in a room and hug it out!
thats @Indecisi0n jobI don't hate you pal. Why would you say I hate you? Come sit on my lap and talk to me about it. I am here for you
Quote being management for a second.Quit talking smile* and I'll do exactly that. Until then you won't see me going anywhere. You talk a big game, but can't say it to anybody's face. I will though.
friend* @Indecisi0n . It's my job to be peacemakerthats @Indecisi0n job
I never said thatI don't hate you pal. Why would you say I hate you? Come sit on my lap and talk to me about it. I am here for you
Lol, I am definitely different from most women. I grill, I put of the Christmas lights and I assemble anything that needs to be put together. Considering I didn't group up with my father I'm not sure how that happened.
Loom here a second, do you not lime any of us anymoreQuote being management for a second.
I'm tired of you talkingon us.
No go away. You are not liked here
☐ Not REKTYou weren't by chance married to Upstate at one time. He apparently don't do guy stuff either.
i only like lime in my coronaLoom here a second, do you not lime any of us anymore
You know I am posting with them. You said we hate. Therfore you included me and poor innocent @Big Arrow Down...D in it. Did you hear he got raped? I read it on here somewhere todayI never said that
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