Hold the fort down. I gotta go chop so.e onions
Race is coming on gotta go
Hold the fort down. I gotta go chop so.e onions
No cryingHold the fort down. I gotta go chop so.e onions
Bye byeRace is coming on gotta go
Race is coming on gotta go
ByeRace is coming on gotta go
TrueIf you wait 3 hours and 45 minutes you won't miss anything except 3 hours and 45 minutes of train racing.
Healthy snackNo crying
Screw you Rod.
Hi buddy
MAke it 5
Good morning. LolMAke it 5
You sure? I'm buying the beerI'm not that kind of guy.
You sure? I'm buying the beer
Me tooUnfortunately I'm not drinking today. I had my share over the last 2 days.