BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I didnt lock you in the trophy case, did I?. I've lived under a dark cloud since my freshman year of high school. Still waiting
I didnt lock you in the trophy case, did I?. I've lived under a dark cloud since my freshman year of high school. Still waiting
She is banging some dude right now and laughing.
Hard and nasty too, but don't think of that.Hope she gets slapped in theing mouth. I hate that stupid bitch. 100%
ing hate. I would drag myself through a mile of broken glass just to see that bitch suffer
Hope she gets slapped in theing mouth. I hate that stupid bitch. 100%
ing hate. I would drag myself through a mile of broken glass just to see that bitch suffer
Hard and nasty too, but don't think of that.
Four boobies?
In fact. I would drag myself through a mile of broken glass just to see that stupid no gooding bitch lose the one thing in her life that meant the most to her. Then I'd be happy. I'd
ing be happy. Stupid no good gutter slut.
Hope she gets slapped in theing mouth. I hate that stupid bitch. 100%
ing hate. I would drag myself through a mile of broken glass just to see that bitch suffer
Decisions, decisions
Can you imagine a Fluffer cook off?
I'm tired of playing hering games.
She is going wild! Your head would explode!I'm tired of playing hering games.
Both are very attractiveEasy choice.
That is what will make it eventful ...you can team up w meConsider me out, can't cook worth!
Cut him some slack. He is hurting right now.She is going wild! Your head would explode!
She is going wild! Your head would explode!