Air head lost her wallet
HiAir head lost her wallet
wasnt me....i was working my street corner delivering boxesThis thread has the most reported posts we've ever had here because a few of you are repeatedly violating Google's family friendly rules. Mods can't let that kind of content stay up on the public forum. Deleting all those reported posts creates a lot of unnecessary busy work for the mods which I'm sure gets annoying for them.
I wasn't the one that closed the thread so I don't know what happened beforehand. I do know that @tonyexpress said there were a lot of deleted posts right before it happened.I do understand .. and by no means questioning you ... just didn’t see ...anything b4 hand ... unless u r saying was b4 that?
was it the nudes @Future is sending out of himselfI wasn't the one that closed the thread so I don't know what happened beforehand. I do know that @tonyexpress said there were a lot of deleted posts right before it happened.
BTW, I just set up a Bad Joke Bot in the chatroom. The trigger is to type joke, jokes, or bad joke. Sorry for all the bad jokes.
Well shoot I'm sorry I couldn't make it out there babe
Can we get a D&d game in chat going or can we have a roll20 thread?I wasn't the one that closed the thread so I don't know what happened beforehand. I do know that @tonyexpress said there were a lot of deleted posts right before it happened.
BTW, I just set up a Bad Joke Bot in the chatroom. The trigger is to type joke, jokes, or bad joke. Sorry for all the bad jokes.
Hey buddyWish we had some of that...
EC???Wow!!! Be careful.
I just miss @Monkey ButtThis thread has the most reported posts we've ever had here because a few of you are repeatedly violating Google's family friendly rules. Mods can't let that kind of content stay up on the public forum. Deleting all those reported posts creates a lot of unnecessary busy work for the mods which I'm sure gets annoying for them.
Me and @silverbullet2893 were ripping!It was me. Again. Lol
I want one of those go cart thingsYou want me to push you around in a stroller
You can have it, please...Wish we had some of that...
Awww I wanted in on it!Me and @silverbullet2893 were ripping!
Can I have you?You can have it, please...
PervertCan I have you?
Love you tooPervert
Well looks like I'm making a U turn cyaJust got word that they pulled all drivers off the streets. Now hubby's just got to make it home.