I did use some.i hope you used bags today
I did use some.i hope you used bags today
racistI did use some.
Don't worry about it until June
3 day work week?@Future heard anything on the contract
May....Don't worry about it until June
Last tidbit ...was the company proposed 70 hr work week
Yes!3 day work week?
That's a month worth for you...Last tidbit ...was the company proposed 70 hr work week
I'm shutting my phone off.....I’ll send you some pictures here in a bit
That's a month worth for you...
Looks like you are already working under the new contract....Yes!
I'm going to punch you right in the neck through my phone....View attachment 190963
Should I mix this w my gay cherry stuff?
I'd like to know his answerView attachment 190963
Should I mix this w my gay cherry stuff?
You are next on the stunner list.Cherry gayness lololol