Mixed vegetablesMystery meal?
Mixed vegetablesMystery meal?
@RonBurgandy?????????? ‘s favorite?Mixed vegetables
Holy hell that is terrible. I’d rather have a mich ultraPeroni
LmaoMystery meal?
BSHoly hell that is terrible. I’d rather have a mich ultra
Fudge youLmao
I’m serious!
Are you afraid of veggies?
It's not bad. Not the worlds best beer. But definitely not Hamm's. Only poor people drink that....I’m serious!
Is Hamm's still around? I've gotten buzzed on that in H school, wasn't aware they still brewed. If I'm sitting in the yard, it is Budweiser or Tecate I do like Peroni, it would be my choice, I like the taste, cost pushes me to the others.Not really. Bit if I'm paying a little more for a beer , I want some kick to it. Nothing pisses me off when I buy something a little more expensive and it has a low AVB
If I wanted a cheap buzz I would burn my taste buds and drink Hamm's
BastardI also like to keep in the company of young, and probably gay men on the weekends
It's still around if you like $8.99 a case beer.Is Hamm's still around? I've gotten buzzed on that in H school, wasn't aware they still brewed. If I'm sitting in the yard, it is Budweiser or Tecate I do like Peroni, it would be my choice, I like the taste, cost pushes me to the others.
Hamm's is still siphoned out of s sewer somewhereIs Hamm's still around? I've gotten buzzed on that in H school, wasn't aware they still brewed. If I'm sitting in the yard, it is Budweiser or Tecate I do like Peroni, it would be my choice, I like the taste, cost pushes me to the others.
HolyIt's still around if you like $8.99 a case beer.