Oh my god woman shut the

It's 35° right now64 for the high here today
Good Good.Oh my god woman shut theup
Any chance of snowIt's 35° right now
It's called yammering. Classic conditionOh my god woman shut theup
Tell her KOG said shut the friend upOh my god woman shut theup
Not locally. A chance in the mountains.Any chance of snow
He should just put his pecker in her mouthIt's called yammering. Classic condition
Milk milk lemonadeNot locally. A chance in the mountains.
Nothing like the sound of banjosNot locally. A chance in the mountains.
Probably end up on 1000 ways to dieHe should just put his pecker in her mouth
It's going to be in the 70's the rest of the weekNothing like the sound of banjos
Me too...I am really feeling lazy today
I have watched that before kinda funnyProbably end up on 1000 ways to die
I feel lazy.. errrdayI am really feeling lazy today
80 here on WednesdayIt's going to be in the 70's the rest of the week
Like the world according to Garp?He should just put his pecker in her mouth
WDFDD80 here on Wednesday
110 in the back of the paddy wagon80 here on Wednesday