Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Well-Known Member
Our steward brings in donuts whenever somebody makes it through probation and for when somebody’s seniority date is up. Had donuts last week for somebody’s 1 year and donuts tomorrow for somebody’s 20

Our stewards don't do that. At best they'll give you smelly worn out gloves and say they were bought with grievance money.

Oh Shoot

Middle fingers up
That's just it...nobody wants to bust ass anymore. Right now anyone could get hired off the street. Hell even air drivers are. Bids go up no one signs them.
not here...ppl sign but the company had raised the bar so high they cant qualify unless they have a cape on


Well behaved women rarely make history
not here...ppl sign but the company had raised the bar so high they cant qualify unless they have a cape on
Oh jeez not here. They hire drivers and string them along for months telling them they are so close to qualifying. Then just before they're forced to hire them they either ditch them or let them on. However :censored2:ty they may be
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