Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
This lucky girl is going to vegas and will be sleeping with a buff feedah drivah


Retired 23 years
Mine actually forgot my bday one year. I reminded her at 10 pm that night in bed.

It was better than any one day. I got a special gift for like two weeks straight after that.

At times both of us have forgotten our Anniversary and Birthdays. We haven't given presents to each other for years so it was never a big deal--in fact we laughed about it---but it is always brought up the next time we are out with friends just to harass the one who forgot.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
That's Mrs Cove in 1988. Yah I know to pretty for me !
I got lucky , married her cuz she had small hands and she would never ask to be taken out when the celtics were on
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