Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Fight the power.


Well-Known Member
I went to "By Invitation Only" saw the mold pictures they posted, and commented "I'm going to drink bleach now" or something like that. Then Cosmo and Trip were all fussy about me being there. I clapped back, then 4 others joined in on me, and I clapped back some more. But I'm the bad guy apparently.
Bad girl. You need a spanking.


Nine Lives
This cat has sat at my door meowing since I went to bed I shall cut his balls off myself soon here
The cat is suppose to be in the room close to you.
If you don't want on the bed then make a bed for kitty that is close to you but a few paws away.
It's their nature ... you are mommy and should be an encouraging parent for good behavior.
BTW, Kitty bringing mouse to you should be highly praised.

Hey @Boxslinger11 ... this is not a serious response ... just goofing around.
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Did your daughters foot heal ok? I know that was waaay back when I started.
Yes her foot did heal up just fine. And her nail is pretty much finally grown back. She still insists she will not go back to th farm sanctuary though. We have a load of towls, blanket, and sheets for the animals that I think I'll have to end up taking out there myself.

Thank you for asking I really appreciate you thinking of us.


Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman
The cat is suppose to be in the room close to you.
If you don't want on the bed then make a bed for kitty that is close to you but a few paws away.
It's their nature ... you are mommy and should be an encouraging parent for good behavior.
BTW, Kitty bringing mouse to you should be highly praised.

Its not his cat it belongs to his roommate. Lol
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Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman
OK ... but just to make sure, that was a form of humor ... maybe a sub-genre of sarcastic humor.
As always, I know my humor is obtuse and sumtins subtle but hay, I'm wacky (according to the little twit).

I know Chappy but its been a little bit too hot blooded for my liking around these parts so I just wanted to make sure you knew.

I don't have any pets but for some reason they always love me lol

Btw Do you ever sleep? lol


Nine Lives
I know Chappy but its been a little bit too hot blooded for my liking around these parts so I just wanted to make sure.

I don't have any pets but for some reason they always love me lol

Btw Do you ever sleep? lol

I sleep restlessly ... the drug I take for memory loss makes the synapses fire all the time to keep the circuits live.
I wonder if cannabis interferes with that process?
Productive discourse ... for me anyway.


Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman

I sleep restlessly ... the drug I take for memory loss makes the synapses fire all the time to keep the circuits live.
I wonder if cannabis interferes with that process?
Productive discourse ... for me anyway.
Wow that sounds pretty deep.

I've had a rough time sleeping the past few years figured its some type of insomnia. I can function on 3 hrs sleep


Nine Lives
The cat is suppose to be in the room close to you.
If you don't want on the bed then make a bed for kitty that is close to you but a few paws away.
It's their nature ... you are mommy and should be an encouraging parent for good behavior.
BTW, Kitty bringing mouse to you should be highly praised.
Hey Boxer ... this was not a serious response ... just goofing around.

Kill the mother!
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