Nothingness Fluff....

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That’s Craptacular


Bite your tongue, Missy
Do an annual fundraiser, kind of like PBS does.

You could charge a low fee for basic content. A higher fee for those who wanted to see nudity. And the highest fee for those who want to post nudity.
Or a reverse of the above however the owner sees fit.
Of course there should be a surcharge for people who think they can tell others what they can or cannot do.


You could charge a low fee for basic content. A higher fee for those who wanted to see nudity. And the highest fee for those who want to post nudity.
Or a reverse of the above however the owner sees fit.
Of course there should be a surcharge for people who think they can tell others what they can or cannot do.

I want the low cost basic; no frontal, no backal.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
There are a few reasons to keep the content family friendly but it's true that the biggest concern I have is revenue related.

It costs money to keep this community up and running and if we get blocked from google's program then I'm going to have to come up with a different way to pay the bills.

The way that the forum is currently set up members don't see ads. Google ads are only displayed to people when they're not logged in and those lurkers viewing ads basically pay for the members not to have to look at ads.

These are the recurring monthly costs of keeping this community online:
Dedicated server: $341
Cloudflare: $25
Apps: $69

There are other expenses like buying programs and addons like the shoutbox, max cdn, apple's dev fees, hiring coders etc. In the last year those fees have added up to about $500.

Over the years I've tried other ad networks and different setups and I think our current setup offers a better ad free experience for our members. I'm hoping to keep it this way.

I should know tomorrow if they are going to kick us out, or not. They only gave me 3 days to clean it all up and I'm still not sure I found and deleted all of the stuff like boob pics. Time will tell.

Here is a video google sent me that describes their family friendly content guidelines:

Man. Google's gotta take all the fun out of everything!


Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons to keep the content family friendly but it's true that the biggest concern I have is revenue related.

It costs money to keep this community up and running and if we get blocked from google's program then I'm going to have to come up with a different way to pay the bills.

The way that the forum is currently set up members don't see ads. Google ads are only displayed to people when they're not logged in and those lurkers viewing ads basically pay for the members not to have to look at ads.

These are the recurring monthly costs of keeping this community online:
Dedicated server: $341
Cloudflare: $25
Apps: $69

There are other expenses like buying programs and addons like the shoutbox, max cdn, apple's dev fees, hiring coders etc. In the last year those fees have added up to about $500.

Over the years I've tried other ad networks and different setups and I think our current setup offers a better ad free experience for our members. I'm hoping to keep it this way.

I should know tomorrow if they are going to kick us out, or not. They only gave me 3 days to clean it all up and I'm still not sure I found and deleted all of the stuff like boob pics. Time will tell.

Here is a video google sent me that describes their family friendly content guidelines:

Thank you for taking the time to explain it all and I will not post anymore kittyboobs.

Couldn't we just start charging a certain member the entire cost of the monthly bill? Like say one that rhymes with fancy? Problem solved !
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