Well-Known Member
I've got a bridge to sell you too.
A bridge to nowhere...<----That's Sarah winking at ya....lol
I've got a bridge to sell you too.
A bridge to nowhere...<----That's Sarah winking at ya....lol
No, just Ditto Heads.....What polls are you buying into. People voted in change. They pulled the plug on the party of "NO", or "Stay the Course". Americans want affordable healthcare. Spewing and regurgitating miss-information, yelling, kicking and screaming at Townhall meetings, swaztika signs, nazi references from your party mouthpieces, teabaggers and wacko birthers. First these people have to deal with the realization that Obama WAS born in the US before they can tackle something important as healthcare. Simply put, chess pieces for the Ins /Rx corperations
I find it very interesting that Democrats and Obama, were very quick to credit the American public for voting in change and having "spoken" in electing President Obama. Now that the tide has turned and the popularity of this man is taking a dive, he can criticise the public for not knowing all the facts and being misled. Yet, they made a very informative decision in electing the man President.
As much as you like to pretend, but the average citizen doesn't act like mis-informed, disruptive teabaggers ,repeating falsehoods drilled into their heads. Not only do the majority of average citizens support healthcare reform, but so does the Healthcare industry Doctors, nurses and staff....Good luck spinning that tidbit....
You've have just made Obama's point, UPS and FedEx are still surviving/thriving (even in this super reccession) in terms of all the right wing flack about the gov't option plan eliminating the private healthcare Industry. Excluding the mail monopoly, when the USPS aggressivly made a push in their small package efforts, UPS and Fedex were crying foul. Well guess what, both private Companies have rolled up their sleeves, competed, and are still strong and it doesn't look like we'll be wearing Postal uniforms any time soon, now does it ?
Now if you want to compare letters and parcels to the healthcare of human beings, knock yourself out.
In terms of services, the USPS is darned good. You get your your mail everyday, don't you ? What else do you expect, Sarah Palin in a postal uniform and a safari hat to deliver it to ya.....
Obama FAIL #1235
You don't go to a debate about promoting a Government run program and bash another Government run program.
They were all bused in.
And they had pre-printed signs, unlike the other side, who had handmade signs. So that brings up that question of who is organizing these events ?
Also just what was their carbon footprint used ?
.................another staged event, plain and simple just like all his other campaign events.
It is the perfect storm example of why the gov should stay out of health care.
Hey DIESEL 96,
Try again. I did not compare Healthcare to Parcels. I believe that was Obama.
Nbama was comparing private business vs gov't business
The MAN who during the election :
1. Economy was a complete disaster --Now depending on the day "We did not realize the economy was so bad" or " the economy has improved"
That's inherited a complete diseaster, and yes even the best economist are perplexed as they read the tea leaves on the road to recovery.
2. During the election:"When I AM PRESIDENT no bill will be signed by me until it is posted and the American people will be able to read whats in it"
Real Obama ----Passed the largest spending bill in history of the world ---not only did NO AMERICAN have a chance to read the bill -----none of our great politicians who voted for it read the bill
It's called a recovery bill, better known as a stimulus package to jump start the recovery. FYI...Spending is a key ingredient in stimulating, but some circles ignore this philosphy and dub thee a spending bill....They think tax breaks for the wealthy and trickle down is a cure all...NOT
I'm sorry to say, Americans don't read anymore, were a country of 30 second sound biters and you tube fanatics that believe any little blip drilled and programmed in their head. Just listen to what these mis-informed lunatics are kicking and screaming at townhall meetings....Socialist, marxist, and Nazi's are pulling the plug on Grandma. Where do you stand on killing GrandMa!
3. Obama "we had to rush this bill to keep unenployment under 8% " Can anyone say 10% --
Any bill that gets fillerbustered and plunges into limbo, is tougher to pass. That's nothing new, typical poilitics.
But it's easy to assess, how much worse off we'd be if Rep's were still in charge.
4. Obama "no lobbys or special interests groups" Can anyone say SEIU OR ACORN ??
Yet, all those on the right support the hugh Corperations, Insurance and Rx lobbiest working against their own interest....
5. IRAQ ??????
Inherited, but withdrawing our combats troops as we speak
Inherited.....I agree, put on the back burner due to beaucracy and stalling tactics
7. Tax cheats in cabinet -----I have lost count.
Can't deny this, but we are a country who gives people a 2nd chance.
Besides, look at all the tax cheats and lost revenues by republican backed tax loopholes, overseas accounts for the rich and wealthy...
8. American's must sacrafice ----keep thermostats down ---- Oval office 80 Degrees -maybe we should see that birth certificate!!!
Oh god...your a "birther".....you just dropped a few notches on the creditbility scale.
9. While Americans lose jobs and suffer -----Obamas are living the VIVA LOCA !!
Travel around the world twice --apologizing for America ---600$ sneakers --thousand dollar handbags --parties every wed at White house for special interests groups and doners -----HE IS REALLY FEELING OUR PAIN!!!
Some of the residue sludge left behind from the Bush/Cheney debacle, was the decline of respect from American arrogance. But just being elected, Obama has raised that level without batting an eye. First the Bama bashers criticize him for caving in so easily and apologizing to the world. Then, they demand he apologize to a Mass cop and a postman....Make up your minds...
10. Joe Biden "I am not an economist" Obama --Joe is in charge of the STIMULOUS !!
11.Joe Biden "of course some of this stimulous will be wasted and lost"
Not familiar with those claims....Unless your heard it from a Fox news sound-bite.
12. I have to stop ----this can and will go on forever.
do stop
No different from any other company in this reccession....in fact our company has weathered this storm better than most companies. Even with the evil USPS empire competing against us....
Sorry to be a little more direct --but I learned well from the left---OBAMA LIED --ABOUT CHANGE --ABOUT EVERYTHING --unlike the left --I do like to call the President a liar ----but facts are facts !!!!
One of the latest --Obama " The AARP has endorsed my Heath plan " ----
Hello ----the head of the AARP immediately put out a statement that this is inaccurate ------since they lean left --it was a polite way to say LIED !!!
Now aren't you the clever one?I was sent today to a postal office to get some of our packages; their employees when they saw me inside their building called out " the enemy is here " my reply was " no that's bho "
Government involvement in USPS is not the only reason for it's woes. 8 track tapes, vinyl records, carburetors, asteroids arcade games were all great innovations that have simply been replaced by better ideas. USPS is still operating like it's in the 1950's and everyone still needs to send mail to live their life and it's not ever going to change back. Was a great service at one time, but times have moved on and left them in a time warp. That's not anyone's fault per se, they just have to retool.
Sent two packages today in USPS flat rate boxes both about 10 pounds. One to NC for $13.95. (20% less than UPS) And one to Iraq for $11.95. (No other option) No wonder the postal service can't make a dollar.
real businesses cut cost and expenses when they see the trends you describe. Government run businesses say oh well mr. taxpayer you lost two billion this quarter.
This tremendous loss despite the fact the post office has a monopoly on first class mail that they already use to subsidize other parts of their business.
Have you seen the new one size box one charge campaign the post office is running? Competes with UPS ground volume. Why would the post office be discounting its ground service when its losing money?
thats what your government would be doing to your health care.
This issue is one that UPSers should actually understand and appreciate better then the average citizen since we have been victims of a public option delivery service that competes with and steals business from us using their monopoly.