Of course they do. That's my point.zero, nothing, nil, zilch, naught, ..... it all means the same to me.
Maybe I didn't go to college like you privileged people, but instead of asking, "what's the sound of one hand clapping? I'm more interested in "How do you button your shirt with only on hand?
We will never view something the same way!
You mean NO bama......................... ?Yeah, a big fat zero !!! Nothing at all.
Maybe I didn't go to college like you privileged people, but instead of asking, "what's the sound of one hand clapping? I'm more interested in "How do you button your shirt with only on hand?
We will never view something the same way!
I prefer to call it focused !
And yes, 'privileged' was a poor choice of wording considering all the illegal aliens that get assistance over Amer.'s own kids.
Perhaps we never will. But both questions are important for moving forward. It is not only "Does the engine run?" but also "What is happening in the combustion chamber and how we make it better?" Buttoning a shirt with one hand is great but then for the builders of artificial limbs the question is of how it works to replicate movements. What I find disgusting in some is the simplistic idea tha the complexities of economies and politics are so easily solved by those of us "Joe Six Packs" and "Mama Grizzlies" with our "common sense". It's a fantasy of self centered grandiosity and nothing else.
I do not believe limo's are reserved for liberals. I do not believe "elite" is a bad thing. I do not believe the national budget is even remotely similar to my household budget or even that of Bill Gates. And I do not believe that the likes of Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Newt Gingrich, Bill Richardson, and Rand Paul can afford to view the world the same way as you and I, no matter what they say in campaign adds and speaches. We are talking complicated calculus not basic math. You want an everyday person making these decisions? You think common sense is what it takes in dealing with Kim Jung Il? What if when the equation works itself out, the common sense thing to do really is what the past 4 administrations have done? What if when all factors are taken into consideration, one can only guess at what a stimulus would or wouldn't do? And then we momma's and poppa's can sit off to the side and criticize or applaud the actions that others in good faith have taken. Condie Rice made that point with John Stewart a couple weeks ago. But to suggest that I or you could do better because we go to work and balance the check book and live a safe and happy life? You gotta admit, that's a stretch.bbsam,
This is one of the major problems in our country. Do you think the "limosine" liberals or the "ultra rich" conservatives -------the "ELITE" educated Ivy league politicians are so much smarter than me and you --because we are papas and mommas and honestly work for a living -------personally ---I would debate Obama,McCain, Reid, Pelosi ,Graham or whatever pin head politician you choose.
They live in a sheltered unreal world ----It is the momma and papas that make this country run and will always be its strength !!!!
I know how to balance my families budget, I know what I can spend and what I cannot. I know the difference of right and wrong. I easily can look in the mirror each and every morning and truly respect the person looking back---How many of those super educated politicians can say the same ---Maybe turbo tax Tim ??????
For every papa and momma that get up in the morning that are truck drivers, police, teachers, garbage men,costruction etc etc ---I salute you !!
Our super educated president who can't communicate well is in India telling them about the mid-term adjustments he's going to have to make. Shouldn't he be here telling us of his plans to re-adjust things?? I'm just sayin.