Well-Known Member
Most politicians are arrogant liars. It's just part of the game. Obama is less of a liar than most, but whenever minorities (especially Blacks) show any pride, backbone, or flair, they are labeled "arrogant" or "uppity". The Tea Party can't come right out and go after Obama because he's Black, so they do it using terminology that gets the message across while simultaneously protecting themselves from being called-out as racist. They don't call him the N-word, or lazy, or any of the usual sterotypes directly...they use code. Just like the pictures of the cymbal-playing monkey, the charicatures that depict Obama as ape-like or any of the "clever" devices the Right uses to send it's lemmings the message that they don't like a Black guy in the White House either, and are doing everything they can to get rid of him.
"Man-child", "arrogant", "uppity", and all the rest are tossed out there every day by Rush, and then repeated almost verbatim by his local wannabees. It isn't very hard to read between the lines.
OK, so now accuse me of playing the race card or one of your usual diversions that "prove" that the Right isn't racist.
I agree with the point you made about politicians in general but disagree with you giving Obama a pass. At least Cenk Ugyer and other honest and principled democrats have had the courage to speak out the truth on Obama and yet TOS and yourself are cowards in failing to do the same!
Get over the idiot red staters, they are idiots but don't prance around as something different when you stand there and defend Obama while the whole time he's nothing but another Bush! In fact, the birth certificate is kept secret not because he was born outside the US but the fact that his real father is Papa Bush.