WOW!!!!! You are one of them, aren't you??? The truly uninformed because you only listen to the echo chamber. Unemployment dropped from ~10% when Obama took over, to ~4.3% when he left. And it continues to drop under Obama's policies even though Trump is doing what he can to slow it. Because of Obamacare, in the medical field, over 2 million new positions have been created to treat the 20 million or so new medical care consumers. Solar installers can't find enough people to keep up, and real wages finally quit falling under Obama for the first time since the last Democratic president. The stock market more than doubled, and the housing market recovered. How come you can't remember just nine years ago ????? maybe you've been ill-informed since then, since all you seem to know is "Benghazi" "Emails!" and "repeal" even though repeal will cost jobs, cause deaths, and do nothing for the country. You probably don't even know that well over 100 republican offered amendments were added to the ACA, and that it was based on a REPUBLICAN plan. The fact that the ACA got 0 support from republicans and active attempts to stop it, and refusal to even attempt to improve it goes right through your head it seems. In states where support from the states was strong, like California, rates are not rising anywhere near as fast as pre-ACA. Now Trump just put more burden on those who need to buy on the exchanges who are wealthier, and ineligible for subsidies in an attempt to make it weaker. By law, he should be enforcing the law instead of subverting it, and you don't see it.
You seem so locked in a bubble that I bet you still believe that there were no contacts, ZERO, absolutely none as Trump claimed between members of his campaign and Russians attempting to derail Clinton. You probably still believe in a child pedophilia ring in the basement of the pizza shop that had no basement!!!! And yet, even though Trump ADMITTED walking into a teen-age girls dressing room knowingly, you don't believe it. "Puppet! Not a puppet. NO puppet." Trump himself tells you how ignorant he is, how perverted he is, shows you with his own words and actions, and you cover your ears and refuse to listen.