

Well-Known Member
That seems to be the MO of this administration.
That last one was the extent of my response to you, I know your MO.

Have to clarify, meant on this topic. I'll never disregard or pass up an opportunity to interact with the smartest guy in the room, it's just not me. Thanks for the optimistic though Mach
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Well-Known Member
One point at a time,of these 30,000 jobs that were "created"
1. What companies added these jobs, please cite the names and employment numbers.
2. Who credited this "job creation"
3. What is the current position of these "job" creators? Solvency, currently in business or defunct, and whether still held afloat by public funds.
And a question for you:
Was this an attempt to fund an ideology, a way to fund non market driven outcomes, or do these companies stand on their own currently? If non of the three, what the hell was it?
You've been known to be long winded, so I don't expect a dodge. Don't really expect an answer to the question or points mentioned however.

There are lots of sources, and there is nothing inherently wrong(except maybe morally) with the government assisting in getting national goals accomplished through fiscal policy. That's why we've got mortgage write-offs in the tax code. Trump is supporting the coal industry by removing regulations on things like allowable pollution levels, and opening up areas to oil/gas exploration that had been closed. As you should know, over 200,000 gallons of crude spilled just a few days ago from the Keystone pipeline extension, and you probably believe that taxpayers won't lose a dime in the clean-up or after-affects.

I found the 30k job figure in about 30 seconds, saw it in a couple places before using it, and you can too. It would take me longer to type it than for you to look it up yourself. Failure to look it up yourself will make you willfully ignorant, as FOX and Trump like, and able to still blame the wrong people for the problems in the country. The whole alternative energy assistance loan program was started under Bush, and greatly expanded under Obama when the country had lost net jobs under Bush.


Well-Known Member
I didn't deflect, I gave Solyndra as just one example amongst many, albeit one of the more extreme. And Obamacare has forced many insurers out of healthcare as well as driven up healthcare costs for most people. Way up with less service. And you give cover to your politicians who without question lied to the public on pretty much everything from OBAMACARE! to BENGHAZI! to those nagging EMAILS! With so much in between. Your party is about one thing, maintaining power through dependency on handouts so that they can get their grubby little fingers on that river of money flowing through Washington. You set yourself up as so caring about the common man, especially minorities, but what have you really solved? Again, the best thing y'all have ever come up with is Social Security IMO, the rest is pretty bleak. We need jobs, Obama didn't deliver, and y'all knock any attempts by Trump to deliver primarily because he's a Republican, and we can't have a Republican succeeding, huh? Might mean the public will start believing the best course of action is developing a better economy with minimal government intervention instead of a smothering central government that compensates with handouts. And we can't have that!

WOW!!!!! You are one of them, aren't you??? The truly uninformed because you only listen to the echo chamber. Unemployment dropped from ~10% when Obama took over, to ~4.3% when he left. And it continues to drop under Obama's policies even though Trump is doing what he can to slow it. Because of Obamacare, in the medical field, over 2 million new positions have been created to treat the 20 million or so new medical care consumers. Solar installers can't find enough people to keep up, and real wages finally quit falling under Obama for the first time since the last Democratic president. The stock market more than doubled, and the housing market recovered. How come you can't remember just nine years ago ????? maybe you've been ill-informed since then, since all you seem to know is "Benghazi" "Emails!" and "repeal" even though repeal will cost jobs, cause deaths, and do nothing for the country. You probably don't even know that well over 100 republican offered amendments were added to the ACA, and that it was based on a REPUBLICAN plan. The fact that the ACA got 0 support from republicans and active attempts to stop it, and refusal to even attempt to improve it goes right through your head it seems. In states where support from the states was strong, like California, rates are not rising anywhere near as fast as pre-ACA. Now Trump just put more burden on those who need to buy on the exchanges who are wealthier, and ineligible for subsidies in an attempt to make it weaker. By law, he should be enforcing the law instead of subverting it, and you don't see it.

You seem so locked in a bubble that I bet you still believe that there were no contacts, ZERO, absolutely none as Trump claimed between members of his campaign and Russians attempting to derail Clinton. You probably still believe in a child pedophilia ring in the basement of the pizza shop that had no basement!!!! And yet, even though Trump ADMITTED walking into a teen-age girls dressing room knowingly, you don't believe it. "Puppet! Not a puppet. NO puppet." Trump himself tells you how ignorant he is, how perverted he is, shows you with his own words and actions, and you cover your ears and refuse to listen.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!!! You are one of them, aren't you??? The truly uninformed because you only listen to the echo chamber. Unemployment dropped from ~10% when Obama took over, to ~4.3% when he left. And it continues to drop under Obama's policies even though Trump is doing what he can to slow it. Because of Obamacare, in the medical field, over 2 million new positions have been created to treat the 20 million or so new medical care consumers. Solar installers can't find enough people to keep up, and real wages finally quit falling under Obama for the first time since the last Democratic president. The stock market more than doubled, and the housing market recovered. How come you can't remember just nine years ago ????? maybe you've been ill-informed since then, since all you seem to know is "Benghazi" "Emails!" and "repeal" even though repeal will cost jobs, cause deaths, and do nothing for the country. You probably don't even know that well over 100 republican offered amendments were added to the ACA, and that it was based on a REPUBLICAN plan. The fact that the ACA got 0 support from republicans and active attempts to stop it, and refusal to even attempt to improve it goes right through your head it seems. In states where support from the states was strong, like California, rates are not rising anywhere near as fast as pre-ACA. Now Trump just put more burden on those who need to buy on the exchanges who are wealthier, and ineligible for subsidies in an attempt to make it weaker. By law, he should be enforcing the law instead of subverting it, and you don't see it.

You seem so locked in a bubble that I bet you still believe that there were no contacts, ZERO, absolutely none as Trump claimed between members of his campaign and Russians attempting to derail Clinton. You probably still believe in a child pedophilia ring in the basement of the pizza shop that had no basement!!!! And yet, even though Trump ADMITTED walking into a teen-age girls dressing room knowingly, you don't believe it. "Puppet! Not a puppet. NO puppet." Trump himself tells you how ignorant he is, how perverted he is, shows you with his own words and actions, and you cover your ears and refuse to listen.
Lies, damn lies, and statisticians. Of course unemployment lowered, it was high after the crash and slowly recovered. But what kind of jobs? Why is it that college grads have such a hard time finding career employment? Yeah, you can find a physical job, but can you support a family without working two of them? If you think those kind of jobs are plentiful you better look again. We need solid industry that's the basis of a solid community. And Trump helping the coal industry? In those areas there's little else. Thank goodness he's paying attention instead of pushing an ideology. And that's why he won those votes.

By the way the Republican amendments may have been put in, but the Repubs were completely shut out of the crafting of the bill. And it was based on Romneycare, not a Republican healthcare system but Romney working with an overwhelmingly Democrat Massachusetts legislature. Always with the subtle spin huh?

And I've watched MSNBC plenty. Always with the lies and spin. The American public knows it, and elections across the country reflect that. Problem is the public has a short memory and Republican lawmakers are scared of public opinion shaped by the liberal media. If they don get tax reform passed, or if doesn't show real progress by midterms the Dems will be back in force, and we're screwed.


Well-Known Member
There are lots of sources, and there is nothing inherently wrong(except maybe morally) with the government assisting in getting national goals accomplished through fiscal policy. That's why we've got mortgage write-offs in the tax code. Trump is supporting the coal industry by removing regulations on things like allowable pollution levels, and opening up areas to oil/gas exploration that had been closed. As you should know, over 200,000 gallons of crude spilled just a few days ago from the Keystone pipeline extension, and you probably believe that taxpayers won't lose a dime in the clean-up or after-affects.

I found the 30k job figure in about 30 seconds, saw it in a couple places before using it, and you can too. It would take me longer to type it than for you to look it up yourself. Failure to look it up yourself will make you willfully ignorant, as FOX and Trump like, and able to still blame the wrong people for the problems in the country. The whole alternative energy assistance loan program was started under Bush, and greatly expanded under Obama when the country had lost net jobs under Bush.
As I expected, a long winded non answer. Carry on

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Where is that trust located?
Quoted from the SSA website:

"The Social Security Trust Funds are the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds. These funds are accounts managed by the Department of the Treasury. They serve two purposes: (1) they provide an accounting mechanism for tracking all income to and disbursements from the trust funds, and (2) they hold the accumulated assets. These accumulated assets provide automatic spending authority to pay benefits. The Social Security Act limits trust fund expenditures to benefits and administrative costs.

Benefits to retired workers and their families, and to families of deceased workers, are paid from the OASI Trust Fund. Benefits to disabled workers and their families are paid from the DI Trust Fund. More than 98 percent of total disbursements from the combined OASI and DI funds in 2016 were for benefit payments."


Well-Known Member
Quoted from the SSA website:

"The Social Security Trust Funds are the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds. These funds are accounts managed by the Department of the Treasury. They serve two purposes: (1) they provide an accounting mechanism for tracking all income to and disbursements from the trust funds, and (2) they hold the accumulated assets. These accumulated assets provide automatic spending authority to pay benefits. The Social Security Act limits trust fund expenditures to benefits and administrative costs.

Benefits to retired workers and their families, and to families of deceased workers, are paid from the OASI Trust Fund. Benefits to disabled workers and their families are paid from the DI Trust Fund. More than 98 percent of total disbursements from the combined OASI and DI funds in 2016 were for benefit payments."

I'm sure you're waiting for the "yeah but" or some other mindless response or question. You hit the mark, nice work. The trust fund is currently full of IOU's, I"m sure you're aware of that though.


Staff member
I'm sure you're waiting for the "yeah but" or some other mindless response or question. You hit the mark, nice work. The trust fund is currently full of IOU's, I"m sure you're aware of that though.
Not much of a trust if it's spent on everything else.


Inordinately Right
You guys are delusional if you think today's young people aren't going to slash your social security once we're in office.

None of us expect to collect much from social security we won't feel sorry for you. Sitting on your ass the last 30 years of your life, what a joke.


Well-Known Member
You guys are delusional if you think today's young people aren't going to slash your social security once we're in office.

None of us expect to collect much from social security we won't feel sorry for you. Sitting on your ass the last 30 years of your life, what a joke.
For some odd reason I think I'll outlive you. I think you're going to open that loud mouth to the wrong person 1 to many times.