Well-Known Member
More doom and gloom just like the management of this company. Let's just let everyone get sick and die that's the republican solution.
I offered an idea...what's your's?
Yea, what's being done now.
More doom and gloom just like the management of this company. Let's just let everyone get sick and die that's the republican solution.
I offered an idea...what's your's?
Yea, what's being done now.
Yea, what's being done now.
So, massive amount of new regulations, higher cost, poor service is your idea? I knew it!
All of which you have no factual proof
All of which? Massive amount of new regulations is factual. Every citizen with income of $21k a year or more will have to carry health insurance or pay a penalty that they don't have to do now. Equals higher costs. Health insurers will have to raise rates to pay for the treatment of people with pre-existing conditions who can't be denied coverage. Equals higher costs. Poor service? We'll have to wait and see, but based on government controlled healthcare in other countries I think you'll see a steady decline in quality of service. I suspect many of the higher quality doctors will open clinics offshore where they'll treat those who can afford it. In other words you won't see the rich standing in line with the rest of us to see one of the few doctors left. As I've pointed out, the rich in other countries fly to the States to get treatment. Think that won't happen with our new system?
My premiums were going up around 22%. I found out I can offer employer benefits and don't need to meet the minimum participation rate if I offer between Nov 15 - Dec 15. So my young guys that don't care and just want the money don't have to take them. My new premium in the group plan is $500 less a month. So the Trump intentional sabotage made my company offer benefits, I guess that's a good thing.So here we are almost 5 years later with a new president, new congress, people insisting Obamacare is in a death spiral and the strangest thing happened. Our premium went up almost 40%!
Depression. Despair. WTF?!?
And then we talked to someone who understands the law...
Since the premium went up, so did the tax credit. And since our income remained approximately the same...
Net result? Next year's premium drops to about half this year's premium. In fact I haven't paid this little since BEFORE we had kids.
Enjoy it while it's there. No question the ACA/Obamacare will be defunded or abolished all together. Next on the GOP agenda will be to "save and "reform" Medicare. Under Paul Ryan's plan the current fee for service plan will end. A Medicare eligible individual will then receive a federal voucher to buy private health insurance. That voucher will be for $7,700. Rest assured they ain't a health insurer in the world who will write a health policy that match's Medicare's current benefits for $650 a month. Put another 6 in front of that 6 and they might think about it.So here we are almost 5 years later with a new president, new congress, people insisting Obamacare is in a death spiral and the strangest thing happened. Our premium went up almost 40%!
Depression. Despair. WTF?!?
And then we talked to someone who understands the law...
Since the premium went up, so did the tax credit. And since our income remained approximately the same...
Net result? Next year's premium drops to about half this year's premium. In fact I haven't paid this little since BEFORE we had kids.
I wish I haven’t paid this little since before I had kids.So here we are almost 5 years later with a new president, new congress, people insisting Obamacare is in a death spiral and the strangest thing happened. Our premium went up almost 40%!
Depression. Despair. WTF?!?
And then we talked to someone who understands the law...
Since the premium went up, so did the tax credit. And since our income remained approximately the same...
Net result? Next year's premium drops to about half this year's premium. In fact I haven't paid this little since BEFORE we had kids.
You never seem to make the connection that the country is in debt up to it's neck and that's not sustainable. You guys believe we can just keep adding to the debt and soak the rich to pay for it. Don't want to get into a shouting match here, take it to Current Events, but sooner or later we'll break the bank if we don't get a handle on it.Enjoy it while it's there. No question the ACA/Obamacare will be defunded or abolished all together. Next on the GOP agenda will be to "save and "reform" Medicare. Under Paul Ryan's plan the current fee for service plan will end. A Medicare eligible individual will then receive a federal voucher to buy private health insurance. That voucher will be for $7,700. Rest assured they ain't a health insurer in the world who will write a health policy that match's Medicare's current benefits for $650 a month. Put another 6 in front of that 6 and they might think about it.
In the meantime the new GOP budget slashes a trillion bucks from Medicaid , a program that sees two thirds of it's budget go to care for nursing home residents who own assets been exhausted and nationwide 62% of all nursing home residents are on Medicaid The result? The states most of whom are already broke will have to find money to offset the funding reduction . It's either that or you're going to see tens of thousands of elderly parked out on the sidewalk in their wheelchairs while the lights go out and the doors locked permanently behind them hoping and praying that a family member will come and get them. But judging by the vote totals from last years election this is what the American people wanted.
Tax where the money is.You never seem to make the connection that the country is in debt up to it's neck and that's not sustainable. You guys believe we can just keep adding to the debt and soak the rich to pay for it. Don't want to get into a shouting match here, take it to Current Events, but sooner or later we'll break the bank if we don't get a handle on it.
If only there were enough taxes to pay for it all.Tax where the money is.
Gotta start somewhere. Might take 100 years. No sense in cutting taxes if we don't know companies have any intention of putting it to true economic stimulus that benefits everyone.If only there were enough taxes to pay for it all.
So this huge tax cut for the rich won't add to that debt right?You never seem to make the connection that the country is in debt up to it's neck and that's not sustainable. You guys believe we can just keep adding to the debt and soak the rich to pay for it. Don't want to get into a shouting match here, take it to Current Events, but sooner or later we'll break the bank if we don't get a handle on it.
Last I heard their brackets were remaining the same. What's changed?So this huge tax cut for the rich won't add to that debt right?
So this huge tax cut for the rich won't add to that debt right?
The fact that the proposed tax cuts will add 1.5 trillion to the deficit but it will be a GOP created deficit therefore it won't matter. Here's what should be worrisome. Even most optimistic forecasts say that the tax cut plan will only increase the US GDP from 2.1% to 2.4%.Nope. Debt, by definition, is a spending problem.
Your dictionary is broken.Nope. Debt, by definition, is a spending problem.
The fact that the proposed tax cuts will add 1.5 trillion to the deficit
Your dictionary is broken.