Family Leave Fridays!!!
Thats what I mean when I say there are now more people riding in the wagon than there are pulling the wagon. People want free stuff. They want Santa Clause & those of us that work & pay taxes are paying for it. It's nothing to be celebrated unless your simplistic view of politics is, my team vs. your team. True...I'm not over it. Our kids are paying for this. Any idea how much Obama has added to our nations debt since becoming president?
Please tell us what Obama words meant in this video. I've seen it in full context before & it is exactly as it appears. But if you disagree, then please put his words in context so that we can have our employer insurance plans back. Maybe Obamacare is just one big misunderstanding.
Regarding the video... seriously? No video montage -- on any topic -- consisting of clips sewn together should ever be taken seriously since it's easy to take comments out of context.
Secondly... insurance in general is a socialist idea. Placing the burden of the quality & cost of health care on our "job creators" is both unfair to the job creators -- demographics will dictate different rates among employers -- and employee -- since the employee's heath will effect his/her job choice + the pursuit of profits will always encourage employers to drop coverage.
Thirdly... it's amazing that wages in this country have soared over the past 10-12 years, yet most working persons are earning compensation -- virtually all the wage expansion has gone to the top. It isn't an issue of "riding in the wagon" as much as it is people performing a fair day's work but not receiving a fair day's pay. Corporate America has convinced people that $7.25/hour + no-benefits is fair compensation for them and eight-figure paydays OK for themselves.