I’m not certain what you mean by controlling our benefits. Whether we like it or not, the government controls pretty much all aspects of Union rules and regulations every pension has government rules They have to follow. and some pensions have been bailed out by the government.
Sure, it’s a double edge sword. It’s a game We absolutely have to involve ourselves with. Personally, I think Sean is smart thinking outside of the box. Saying one party is the only party that is our friend is only true if we never extend our hand and friendship first.
I would say the last 60 years of saying one party is our friend hasn’t been very productive for unions and there growth. We are only merely surviving. at worst it doesn’t work. At best we get a seat at both parties table. As with anyone trailblazing a new path, he will either be remembered as a genius sucker. But unlike most labor leaders, he will be remembered.
Yes, good, bad or otherwise, the government regulates a lot about unions and labor in general.
However, supporting democrats and their policies, agenda, etc, seems counterproductive to me.
After all, look what happened to the railroad workers...
Biden intervenes in railroad contract to block strike - PBS, Jul 15, 2022
Meanwhile, after O'Brien told biden to 'butt out' of our negotiations, we approved one of the best contracts in our history.
So, do we really want to support or give even more power to the government, like CA and elsewhere, who will and already have selectively set standards for wages, benefits, etc for select groups of workers?
I applaud O'Brien for smashing the union stereotype, stepping outside of the box and speaking at the RNC because the biden admin has been a disaster and headlines like this...
The union vote is becoming more Republican - CNN, January 31, 2024
...show that times are changing.