O'Brien criticized for upcoming speech


Well-Known Member
Sean helped Trump win the election!
How? By saying corporate greed is wrong by saying the working man has been forgotten and abused? By saying working people don’t have a chance against corporate America? By saying politicians should make it easier for people who want to organize to be able to? Seems like those are things he should be saying no matter who he’s talking to.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How? By saying corporate greed is wrong by saying the working man has been forgotten and abused? By saying working people don’t have a chance against corporate America? By saying politicians should make it easier for people who want to organize to be able to? Seems like those are things he should be saying no matter who he’s talking to.
Tough Guy speaking prime time at the GOP convention says it all. He was telling millions of swing Democrats and independents that this guy (Trump) is all right.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien praised Donald Trump as an ally for the working class and “one tough SOB,”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Tough Guy speaking prime time at the GOP convention says it all. He was telling millions of swing Democrats and independents that this guy (Trump) is all right.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien praised Donald Trump as an ally for the working class and “one tough SOB,”
He had to play to the audience, otherwise he would have come across as the skunk at the picnic.


Well-Known Member
Tough Guy speaking prime time at the GOP convention says it all. He was telling millions of swing Democrats and independents that this guy (Trump) is all right.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien praised Donald Trump as an ally for the working class and “one tough SOB,”
Well, for once, I actually think he was a pretty tough guy. Leaders have to do things that others will not. Speaking at that convention is getting him a lot of flack from a lot of people who think the old way..
And people think the Republicans are the enemy then Sean is even smarter. I always taught. keep your enemies close.

Sean O’Brien is well aware that people who are Union members are going to vote Republican and the Republicans are going to win some places and there’s nothing we can do except for ask for their cooperation. Those who plan on voting for Democrat were never going to change their mind based on what Sean said and vice versa Republicans. This is 100% about getting legislation we need to survive. Unless you want someone else coming for your pension in another dozen years, you better hope these politicians keep their promises and allow working people the opportunity to organize if they want to and the teamsters capitalize on that desire.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Well, for once, I actually think he was a pretty tough guy. Leaders have to do things that others will not. Speaking at that convention is getting him a lot of flack from a lot of people who think the old way..
And people think the Republicans are the enemy then Sean is even smarter. I always taught. keep your enemies close.

Sean O’Brien is well aware that people who are Union members are going to vote Republican and the Republicans are going to win some places and there’s nothing we can do except for ask for their cooperation. Those who plan on voting for Democrat were never going to change their mind based on what Sean said and vice versa Republicans. This is 100% about getting legislation we need to survive. Unless you want someone else coming for your pension in another dozen years, you better hope these politicians keep their promises and allow working people the opportunity to organize if they want to and the teamsters capitalize on that desire.
He better not screw up the pension bailout


Well-Known Member
He better not screw up the pension bailout
Already set in stone brother. But it’s only good for about 20 years after that we are on our own. Now is the time for legislation to help us organize for the future or it won’t be a future. Sean is taking his shot. Even if it cost him everything. Visionaries and leaders rarely are told they’re doing the right thing. It’s usually after the fact that people say “that was pretty smart what you did.” he’s willing to put his balls on the line. I’ll get him credit for that.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Already set in stone brother. But it’s only good for about 20 years after that we are on our own. Now is the time for legislation to help us organize for the future or it won’t be a future. Sean is taking his shot. Even if it cost him everything. Visionaries and leaders rarely are told they’re doing the right thing. It’s usually after the fact that people say “that was pretty smart what you did.” he’s willing to put his balls on the line. I’ll get him credit for that.
My fund didn’t get the money yet. Supposedly end off summer early fall. Those vindictive bastards might withhold the money because he dared to speak at the RNC.


Well-Known Member
Already set in stone brother. But it’s only good for about 20 years after that we are on our own. Now is the time for legislation to help us organize for the future or it won’t be a future. Sean is taking his shot. Even if it cost him everything. Visionaries and leaders rarely are told they’re doing the right thing. It’s usually after the fact that people say “that was pretty smart what you did.” he’s willing to put his balls on the line. I’ll get him credit for that.
will it be good for that long?


Well-Known Member
gotcha.... I've always wondered myself..... good to hear
As with anything that has to do with money, nothing is 100% guaranteed but I believe O’Brien understands This is the time that we need help with organizing because without organizing you can be sure there won’t be much left in another 20 to 30 years the life blood of any labor organization “New Members”.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Already set in stone brother. But it’s only good for about 20 years after that we are on our own. Now is the time for legislation to help us organize for the future or it won’t be a future. Sean is taking his shot. Even if it cost him everything. Visionaries and leaders rarely are told they’re doing the right thing. It’s usually after the fact that people say “that was pretty smart what you did.” he’s willing to put his balls on the line. I’ll get him credit for that.

The bail out is a done deal...They just paid forward...Just how much are giving the Ukraine lately ?... the entire DOL/DOJ and every other redundant agency will be on the clopping block when Trump gets in. The PBGC will be defaulting in another 20 years, that agency will either have to restructure or be forced to raise their rates beyond what these Corporate Elites are willing to pay. It is happening now, pretty soon there will be no traditional Pension Plans in America. That traditional three prong retirement system of (Social Security, 401 K and defined pension plans) is not going to be there when your kids reach their retirement age. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue, we all know who is running the show now. The very fact that Sanders came that close to running on the 2020 Democratic ticket is telling, they had to stick Biden into the mix knowing full well he was incapable of running anything. He took his marching orders from Obama who had a racial agenda, Obama had 8 years to stack the court system with liberal judges no matter their skin tone. All these bogus court cases are the result, when discrepancies are shown most of the reaction is to cry racism and downcast any Trump Supporter when they bring up any resistance.

Any Official Union Endorsement has to be taken with a grain of salt, our leadership fully know how the rank and file will vote. My wife just saw O'Brien for the first time during the speech, she was very impressed with him. When O'Brien turned to Trump and called him a "Tough SOB" that was technically his endorsement...Case settled...