Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left

El Correcto

god is dead
Don’t bother thinking.

The alleged 70% income tax wouldn’t apply to you, just as it wouldn’t have applied to your post-WWII doppelgänger.

Honey, you’re just not rich enough to get raped by Ocasio-Cortez, sorry if that hurts your feelings...
You could take every last dime from the rich and not pay for this rere’s virtue signaling spending spree.

It’ll be across the board tax hikes.


Inordinately Right
Republicans who praised cutting taxes and plunging our country further into debt...... want to talk about how we can't afford to modernize our energy infrastructure.

What kind of fool still believes the lie that Republicans care about fiscal responsibility?


Well-Known Member
France tried it, and millionaires are leaving by the thousands because of it. 12,000 millionaires in 2016 alone. Highest rate of wealth flight in the world.

The rich have greater mobility and ability to move assets than any other group. And placing a 70-80% tax rate on anybody is madness.

soon to be called the tippy top tax :)


Well-Known Member
Republicans who praised cutting taxes and plunging our country further into debt...... want to talk about how we can't afford to modernize our energy infrastructure.

What kind of fool still believes the lie that Republicans care about fiscal responsibility?
You can't seem to grasp that the resulting economic activity from cutting taxes increases government revenue. Increasing the taxes back to where they were will only put us back in the stagnation we went through under Obama.
Stimulate deez nutz.