Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
I still say the CEO's and board members salaries should be capped. Lets say at $5 Mill per year.
That's the price to pay for going public ! (Duh, it's public money) !!!

If it's a private held company - they can earn as much as they want - it's their own company !

That's my solution to all this greed !
And what exactly does that solve? Other than making you feel better, what economic problem is getting fixed? If all this occupy thing is about is complaining about the rich making too much money, I dont see what the solution you mentioned is going to fix


Für Meno :)
And what exactly does that solve? Other than making you feel better, what economic problem is getting fixed? If all this occupy thing is about is complaining about the rich making too much money, I dont see what the solution you mentioned is going to fix

Well, companies would have more money to either reduce prices or hand out more wages, or expand and hire.
Either way, the people win.

Why do you think Canada bans commercials that feature medication drugs ?
To keep those prices down !
The US citizens pay extra for that.

-The Pharma for the commercial costs
-Tax payers because those commercials are a taxable write-off
- And tax payers again, because those commercials costed extra money, and now those drugs are more expensive for government to supply them for the medicare/medicaid and military receipients and whomever else is entitled to free drugs.


golden ticket member
Well, companies would have more money to either reduce prices or hand out more wages, or expand and hire.
Either way, the people win.

Why do you think Canada bans commercials that feature medication drugs ?
To keep those prices down !
The US citizens pay extra for that.

-The Pharma for the commercial costs
-Tax payers because those commercials are a taxable write-off
- And tax payers again, because those commercials costed extra money, and now those drugs are more expensive for government to supply them for the medicare/medicaid and military receipients and whomever else is entitled to free drugs.
Cap all hockey players at $70,000 and let them play for the love of the game alone........


Well-Known Member
Well, companies would have more money to either reduce prices or hand out more wages, or expand and hire.
Either way, the people win.

Why do you think Canada bans commercials that feature medication drugs ?
To keep those prices down !
The US citizens pay extra for that.

-The Pharma for the commercial costs
-Tax payers because those commercials are a taxable write-off
- And tax payers again, because those commercials costed extra money, and now those drugs are more expensive for government to supply them for the medicare/medicaid and military receipients and whomever else is entitled to free drugs.
And all at the hands of government..... government always the answer. no thank you. It starts off the government only allowing people to earn so much. Then outlaw stuff to "lower costs".... give entitlements that has to be paid by others through taxes. Who gets to decide who gets the entitlement? Oh thats right, the government. No personal accountability at all. How much has the government given you over the last 10 years for nothing?


Für Meno :)
Watching Edmonton play Nashville as we speak. Yesterday they played in Minnesota, today they are playing at home.
That's what's soo good about Hockey, from September until June, on average , every second day your team is playing !

I'm not even going there with the 70K, because I have the feeling you wouldn't even get out of bed for that kind of money !


Well-Known Member
CommieTunes - OBAMA's END GAME REVEALED - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist - YouTube

You’ll never get a clue what’s being done to this country from the complicit “mainstream” media.
But a KGB expert who defected to the good guys was explaining it for us back in the 80s.
Obama’s Cloward-Piven spending and the Occupy Wall Street movement make it obvious that America’s enemies have now reached the final stage before the establishment of totalitarian collectivism: destabilization.

LOL, keep listening to that fascist Beck. Talk about no clue. "communism", "Cloward-piven" LOL. Still fighting the cold war??


Für Meno :)
And all at the hands of government..... government always the answer. no thank you. It starts off the government only allowing people to earn so much. Then outlaw stuff to "lower costs".... give entitlements that has to be paid by others through taxes. Who gets to decide who gets the entitlement? Oh thats right, the government. No personal accountability at all. How much has the government given you over the last 10 years for nothing?

Almost everything Made in America has gotten so expensive, that even Americans aren't bvuying the products. For over 2 decades the US has a trade deficit.
Funny thing though, it's not because of the average wages being paid in the US. (Germany has higher ones, along with a few other countries), So, what is it ?

Well, it's the top wages ! CEO wages, board members, etc.
Add to that those expensive multi-million superbowl commercials, or those with Superstars, like Michael Jackson did.... I can see those costs adding up, easily.
Those costs are added to the US consumer.

The other problem is, the middle class is disapearing. The heart and soul of a striving economy.
If companies don't do anything about it, then who should ? Unions ? Not everyone is unionized, and it would just make the non union workers even poorer as higher union wages also mean higher end prices.

So, who should eventually step in ?
Apple, Microsoft, pepsi, or even GM, they don't care - they manufacture and sell more goods overseas, anyways.


Well-Known Member
The problem I have is government bails you out, and they still find a way to stick us. This whole problem started when government and BILL CLINTON said every person should own a home. I AGREE. ONLY IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT. THIS IS HOW IT ALL GT STARTED. People making 50 thousand a years getting a mortgage for $600,000. What did they think was going to happen.

Actually it started in 1977. It was revised numerous times over the years. The newer revisions only mandated that poorer folks should not be rejected because of where they live. It did not mandate that everyone who applies get approved. That was the bankers and brokers who allowed some people who were not qualified to get loans. They didnt care because those unsafe loans were then securitized and bunched together with other loans. Stop blaming just the govt here. It was the banking industry that lobbied to revise these laws and make it easier to loan more money. Our problem is our govt is too easily bought by big business!!


Well-Known Member
And all at the hands of government..... government always the answer. no thank you. It starts off the government only allowing people to earn so much. Then outlaw stuff to "lower costs".... give entitlements that has to be paid by others through taxes. Who gets to decide who gets the entitlement? Oh thats right, the government. No personal accountability at all. How much has the government given you over the last 10 years for nothing?

Who gets to decide who gets the entitlement?? Our representatives that "we the people" elect to do the right thing. Listen, you seem to have inate hatred of government as though it is the enemy. When you get rejected for some medical procedure by your insurance company, it is a corporate bureaucrat not a government bureaucrat. The government is only as good as the individuals we put there. And that is where the accountablity comes in. When the government fails to do right by the people, we have the ability to un elect them or actually change the government.


Well-Known Member
Actually it started in 1977. It was revised numerous times over the years. The newer revisions only mandated that poorer folks should not be rejected because of where they live. It did not mandate that everyone who applies get approved. That was the bankers and brokers who allowed some people who were not qualified to get loans. They didnt care because those unsafe loans were then securitized and bunched together with other loans. Stop blaming just the govt here. It was the banking industry that lobbied to revise these laws and make it easier to loan more money. Our problem is our govt is too easily bought by big business!!

To add to your point many banks betted on the failure of the loans and added insurance to these loans from AIG. Banks paid these rating companies to continue to give their stocks AAA ratings knowing damn well these banks assets were toxic. The bankers knew exactly what was happening through out this process and the upper level management made millions. This is the reason why many Americans are upset.


Well-Known Member
Ultimately, reform isn't going to cut it

You are absolutley right. Tinkering with the corporate state will not work. This movement is a radical movement. Only a fairer system that provides health care, education, opportunity for all and rejects corporate influence over our government!![/QUOTE]

It's interesting to see you so happy to support a movement that is also supported by the American Nazi party.


Well-Known Member
You are absolutley right. Tinkering with the corporate state will not work. This movement is a radical movement. Only a fairer system that provides health care, education, opportunity for all and rejects corporate influence over our government!!

Chris Hedges had an interesting piece at TruthDig you may find interesting.

Also an interesting blog over at LewRockwell that links to a piece about a trip down to OWS and what they experienced.

What Occupy Wall Street Is About, Herman

Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on October 17, 2011 06:49 PM
We're still learning what Occupy Wall Street is about. This article I found very helpful. Many pictures, comments, and experiences are in it, and I see no reason not to believe the report.
I thought Herman Cain's 15 minutes of fame ended when he said that the people in Occupy Wall Street were deadbeats. This showed a decided lack of judgment. How many millions of votes would that hasty and ill-considered generalization cost him? What did he really know about the people protesting? He also showed a prejudicial attitude in favor of the establishment and against change.


You are absolutley right. Tinkering with the corporate state will not work. This movement is a radical movement. Only a fairer system that provides health care, education, opportunity for all and rejects corporate influence over our government!!
Right on, but therein lies the problem - the population has been brainwashed for over one hundred years to believe that any alternative thought is radical and unnecessary, or even harmful. Just a casual glance at the 'current events' you can see and read just how powerful and persuasive the established parties have molded the mainstreams thoughts and beliefs.
As supportive of the OWS movement as I am, it is apparent that the foundation of America will not grab it, but only on-look until the movement itself has been "occupied" by the propagandists.


Well-Known Member
I find that if you support this "occupation" in any way shape or form you are simply confirming what I believe to be true and that is you really hate this country. When you support people who defecate on the American flag, police cars, sing "friend* America!", and proudly proclaim its the responsibility of the hardest working to support those of the lowest work ethic then its only natural to assume that you hate the United States. Perhaps your utopia is not contained within these borders, but within the borders of countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or China.


golden ticket member
AFL-CIO Shells Out Ad Dollars To Support Occupy Wall Street…

Via The Foundry:
The “Occupy Wall Street” crowd may be dramatically out of step with the American electorate, but Big Labor likes what it sees. The AFL-CIO union has bought two prominently-placed Google ads for a pair of initiatives supporting the protests.

The search term “occupy wall street” turns up two sidebar ads that link to AFL-CIO websites, as seen in the screenshot below (click to enlarge). Google Adwords, the site’s advertising service, charges 10 cents per click for a prominently-placed ad on that search results page.

The first ad points to aflcio.org/iam99percent, where visitors are greeted with a contact form, an offer for a free bumper sticker, and the option of subscribing to “Occupy” news and event notifications.
Keep reading…


golden ticket member
Moreluck, just admit it, you're just jelous it's better and bigger than any Tea Party movement !
It's disgusting and filled with people who are too lazy to work to get ahead and want it handed to them. It doesn't work that way!! There is no focus, no organization,no solidarity and most improtantly, no sanitation......just a bunch of people who want to camp out. I'm just praying for frozen sleet in all locations!!

If my kid was marching, they would be cut off instantly!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I find it incredible that when the 'tea" party folks were out there yelling and screaming and calling Obama names (communist, kenyan, terrorist, foreigner, usurper) the media smiled and kept covering the rallies. The media didnt search to point out that the rallies were really corp sponsored political rallies to rebrand the down trodden republican brand. Where would it have been without the millions the Koch brothers and lobbyist dick armey poured into it?? Or fox "news" acting like a sponsor of the rallies by promoting it 24/7??

These brave people from the OWS movement , now in hundreds of cities around the nation, built this out of nothing. No true organization like they did in European cities. Yet the media only focus on the way they dress or smell or their hair style or because not everyone is comfortable in front of a mic when asked why are you here??

Why are they here?? I will tell you. They are here highlighting and exposing a system in which olnly wealthy americans benefit largely from this rigged system . God forbid anyone points out just how rigged the system is!! Even when obama endorsed the volker rule which prohibited banks backed by federal guarantees from doing risky speculation or when he tried to close some huge loopholes in the tax code, the wall st vultures complained and called him (the man they threw $$ at two years ealier) a socialist!!

The OWS people are only saying that the people who got rich by peddling those complex schemes that helped put us into this crisis PAID NO PRICE for their actions!! They got bailed out and rubbed it in our collective faces by giving out huge bonuses!! Moreover, they continue to beneift from the federal guarantees and the tax loopholes. They get special treatment. That is not the free market; it is corporatism (economic fascism).

You can post all the crazy people that might be out there doing stupid stuff. It is a good way to divert attention from what is really going on. The reall extremists though are the oligarchs and their corporate media and pols that protect them (as well as the police:JP Morgan gave $4.6 million to the NY police foundation, hmmm). They dont want anyone especially the youth of today exposing what goes on behind the curtain and what is the source of their immense wealth!!

Well stated.
