Occupy Wall Street


Staff member
I find that if you support this "occupation" in any way shape or form you are simply confirming what I believe to be true and that is you really hate this country. When you support people who defecate on the American flag, police cars, sing "friend* America!", and proudly proclaim its the responsibility of the hardest working to support those of the lowest work ethic then its only natural to assume that you hate the United States. Perhaps your utopia is not contained within these borders, but within the borders of countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or China.
Hedge fund managers, corporate take-over artists, and securities investors are the "hardest working"? Really brett? I sure hope Herman Cain makes sure to mention the pain and suffering that the 1% have to endure. I bet he even "feels their pain".


Well-Known Member
"These people" are our kids and nephews. They are the latest generation just waking up to a very uncertain future. A future that if nothing changes will lead them to enjoy less of a standard of living than their own parents. A future with a job or many jobs without any health benefits or pensions. Where they will haveto start life out with over $100,000 in debt from college. A future where if you are not among the lucky few, then you have to really struggle for your entire life.

Did you hear anyone asking for "free money"?? No!! They are saying the 99% of this country are hurting: why do we have socialism for the rich and powerful, and laisse faire, rapacious capitalism for the rest of us!! What Goldman and the rest of them got was "free money"!! And now that unions and others have joined them in NYC as well as Chicago and Los angeles and Denver, Miami, Boston, Philly, etc what names are you gonna call them now?? Give me a break!!

You should have read Obama's campaign slogan before voting for him, "change we can believe in".......... just unfortunately a change in the wrong direction for the economy and most Americans.


Well-Known Member
I find that if you support this "occupation" in any way shape or form you are simply confirming what I believe to be true and that is you really hate this country. When you support people who defecate on the American flag, police cars, sing "friend* America!", and proudly proclaim its the responsibility of the hardest working to support those of the lowest work ethic then its only natural to assume that you hate the United States. Perhaps your utopia is not contained within these borders, but within the borders of countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or China.
Hedge fund managers, corporate take-over artists, and securities investors are the "hardest working"? Really brett? I sure hope Herman Cain makes sure to mention the pain and suffering that the 1% have to endure. I bet he even "feels their pain".[/QUOTE]

Hedge fund managers and securities investors both are the kind of people who will help ensure my financial independence come retirement through my 401k. It's their hard work doing the market research that determines where its safe to put money and where it isnt. Corporate take over artists are most likely taking over companies that are weak or nearly bankrupt and turning them around saving someone's job and making a sizeable profit for themselves. How are these people bad again?


Well-Known Member
Right on, but therein lies the problem - the population has been brainwashed for over one hundred years to believe that any alternative thought is radical and unnecessary, or even harmful. Just a casual glance at the 'current events' you can see and read just how powerful and persuasive the established parties have molded the mainstreams thoughts and beliefs.
As supportive of the OWS movement as I am, it is apparent that the foundation of America will not grab it, but only on-look until the movement itself has been "occupied" by the propagandists.

You are right that the "thought controllers" don't want us thinking or even worse talking to one another. The danger is when we begin to talk to each other, we begin to see and understand each other and the fear we hold begins to wain. When this happens, the ability to manipulate our fears so we turn against each other vanishes and then the ability to manipulate us for the purpose of power becomes severely threatened.

Some interesting media on the Occupy movement and some of the folks taking part shows how this whole thing is more diverse than many think it is.

Independent Reporting on the Occupy Movement

Occupy Wall Street: Beyond the Caricatures

Who to Blame: Washington or Wall Street?



Well-Known Member
I find that if you support this "occupation" in any way shape or form you are simply confirming what I believe to be true and that is you really hate this country. When you support people who defecate on the American flag, police cars, sing "friend* America!", and proudly proclaim its the responsibility of the hardest working to support those of the lowest work ethic then its only natural to assume that you hate the United States. Perhaps your utopia is not contained within these borders, but within the borders of countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or China.

Your hysteria is just beyond ridiculous. From the Reason magazine article I linked in reply to Sleeve, we find the following:

Caricatures cannot do justice to the fully uniformed Marine who stood at the northeastern corner of the square last Sunday night, glaring emotionlessly out into the street. John Cortes told me he'd come from Staten Island to monitor the goings-on at Liberty Plaza. Why? When a U.S. Marine takes the oath to uphold the Constitution, Cortes said, he also vows to protect the right of citizens to peaceably assemble. "We're supposed to defend our fellowmen, right? So if you see somebody, whether it's the police or not, abusing somebody—you're going to do something about it, right?"
On Monday afternoon, an elderly man approached me on the corner of Broadway and Cedar St. to ask if I was covering the demonstration. He had a comment. "I'll be 89 this month," the man said. "I served in the United States Navy during World War II. I remember the Great Depression, when my parents had to go [on relief]. And I realized that this is a wonderful country, but there are too many greedy people who control it."
Walter, from Manhattan, asked not to have his last name printed. "I hope this continues," he said. "Not only here, but throughout the United States, and in larger groups. This country has suffered enough from the plutocrats."

Are you going to tell that marine and WW2 vet that they hate their country? Really? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
Your hysteria is just beyond ridiculous. From the Reason magazine article I linked in reply to Sleeve, we find the following:

Are you going to tell that marine and WW2 vet that they hate their country? Really? Seriously?

In a word, yes. Not everyone that goes into the military loves this country, they just do it for the education benefits or perhaps they had nothing else going for them. Anywho, just look at Jeremiah Wright. He was in the military and look what kind of scumbag he has become. If you support OWS you support defecating on the American flag as well as police cars. You support the Nazi party who has endorsed the OWS protestors. You support communism, and worst of all you support the very destruction of this nation as that is what these people really desire. Bottom line is these people are the best thing to happen to Republicans because democrats are embracing these fools and only a small fringe minority of the country sympathizes with their outrageous demands.


Well-Known Member
It's interesting to see you so happy to support a movement that is also supported by the American Nazi party.

LOL, nazis?? out there with college kids and black and brown people demanding justice?? Why would a fascist party endorse an anti fascist movement?? Though I'd bet good money there were actually nazis at the tea party rally!!


Well-Known Member
Right on, but therein lies the problem - the population has been brainwashed for over one hundred years to believe that any alternative thought is radical and unnecessary, or even harmful. Just a casual glance at the 'current events' you can see and read just how powerful and persuasive the established parties have molded the mainstreams thoughts and beliefs.
As supportive of the OWS movement as I am, it is apparent that the foundation of America will not grab it, but only on-look until the movement itself has been "occupied" by the propagandists.
I hope you are wrong. As Christopher Hedges writes: "The liberal class functions in a traditional, capitalist democracy as a safety valve. It lets off enough steam to keep the system intact. It makes piecemeal and incremental reform possible. This is what happened during the Great Depression and the New Deal. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was that he saved capitalism. Liberals in a functioning capitalist democracy are at the same time tasked with discrediting radicals, whether it is King, especially after he denounced the war in Vietnam, or later Noam Chomsky or Ralph Nader.
An ineffectual liberal class means there is no hope of a correction or a reversal through the formal mechanisms of power. It ensures that the frustration and anger among the working and the middle class will find expression now in these protests that lie outside the confines of democratic institutions and the civilities of a liberal democracy. By emasculating the liberal class, which once ensured that restive citizens could institute moderate reforms, the corporate state has created a closed system defined by polarization, gridlock and political charades. It has removed the veneer of virtue and goodness that the liberal class offered to the power elite.

All hope lies now with those in the street."


Well-Known Member
I find that if you support this "occupation" in any way shape or form you are simply confirming what I believe to be true and that is you really hate this country. When you support people who defecate on the American flag, police cars, sing "friend* America!", and proudly proclaim its the responsibility of the hardest working to support those of the lowest work ethic then its only natural to assume that you hate the United States. Perhaps your utopia is not contained within these borders, but within the borders of countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or China.

Here it comes: the "you really hate this country" blather. Dissent is the greatest form of patriotism!! It says this country has swayed from being a democracy anymore and it about time we took it back from the corporatacracy. Dont label this omvement based on the actions of a few idiots!!


Well-Known Member
It's disgusting and filled with people who are too lazy to work to get ahead and want it handed to them. It doesn't work that way!! There is no focus, no organization,no solidarity and most improtantly, no sanitation......just a bunch of people who want to camp out. I'm just praying for frozen sleet in all locations!!

If my kid was marching, they would be cut off instantly!!

"Lazy"?? Are you kidding me?? These people are brave souls. Right now it is raining in NYC, if they were lazy they would have left by now. WIth the tea party wing of the repub party, when their rally was over, they all went home. This movement is saying that the economy doesnt work for all of us anymore. The winners get rewarded or bailed out and the rest of us have to live in an economic darwinian world. You say there is no solidarity or sanitation. Actually this entire movement is a great example of solidarity. When the group was about to be thrown out by bloomberg, union brothers and sisters came down and stood side by side and said "We got your back!!" And they are still there marching and occupying. As for sanitation, the OWS group has a sanitation group that cleans up day and night.

So you would cut off your kid if they marched?? Well thats your perogative . I brought my son with me!!


Well-Known Member
In a word, yes. Not everyone that goes into the military loves this country, they just do it for the education benefits or perhaps they had nothing else going for them. Anywho, just look at Jeremiah Wright. He was in the military and look what kind of scumbag he has become. If you support OWS you support defecating on the American flag as well as police cars. You support the Nazi party who has endorsed the OWS protestors. You support communism, and worst of all you support the very destruction of this nation as that is what these people really desire. Bottom line is these people are the best thing to happen to Republicans because democrats are embracing these fools and only a small fringe minority of the country sympathizes with their outrageous demands.

Everyone that questions american imperialism and militarism hates this country?? LOL, I hope you have been watching the repub debates then because Ron Paul has really been educating the american people on american foreign policy, tell me is he un american?? LOL. And you are bringing up rev wright?? LOL, take my advice turn off fox "news" for awhile and read a book!!


Well-Known Member
We have a minimum wage, why not a maximum. But if that cannot be implemented , maybe the top salary could be indexed to the lowest so that it cannot be more than say 5 times what the lowest makes!!
Unfortunately, ideas such as this and some of the ones in this thread are not being presented by the Occupy groups. There are no answers or solutions being addressed. There is no so called discussions in these "rallies", only groups out bringing "awareness" in their own way. I have only been to the ones here locally, but have come away disappointed both times. I dont care if your beliefs are different than mine, but have a productive gameplan with direct solutions. If the occupy groups want the government to step in and force pay caps, then say that directly. But these groups go after both sides. It just seems (at least here) they are just out to show civil disobedience to get their point across


Staff member
Unfortunately, ideas such as this and some of the ones in this thread are not being presented by the Occupy groups. There are no answers or solutions being addressed. There is no so called discussions in these "rallies", only groups out bringing "awareness" in their own way. I have only been to the ones here locally, but have come away disappointed both times. I dont care if your beliefs are different than mine, but have a productive gameplan with direct solutions. If the occupy groups want the government to step in and force pay caps, then say that directly. But these groups go after both sides. It just seems (at least here) they are just out to show civil disobedience to get their point across
This may be true, but it's nice to see people exercising their rights to do so instead of simply voting for the least objectionable politician every four years. We may not have the answers, but Washington has to know that the problem is growing exponentially. They are elected to work it out.


golden ticket member
This may be true, but it's nice to see people exercising their rights to do so instead of simply voting for the least objectionable politician every four years. We may not have the answers, but Washington has to know that the problem is growing exponentially. They are elected to work it out.

Yep, nice to see those rights being exercised !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL, nazis?? out there with college kids and black and brown people demanding justice?? Why would a fascist party endorse an anti fascist movement?? Though I'd bet good money there were actually nazis at the tea party rally!!

Yes, the American nazi party has endorsed the OWS protestors. I posted the link earlier in the this thread.

Here it comes: the "you really hate this country" blather. Dissent is the greatest form of patriotism!! It says this country has swayed from being a democracy anymore and it about time we took it back from the corporatacracy. Dont label this omvement based on the actions of a few idiots!!

Psssst, we aren't a democracy. We never have been. Democracy is literally mob rule and in this country we will live by the rule of law. We are a Republic, although I am not surprised that you don't know this.


Für Meno :)
Psssst, we aren't a democracy. We never have been. Democracy is literally mob rule and in this country we will live by the rule of law. We are a Republic, although I am not surprised that you don't know this.

Many republic countries out there.
Like Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Ireland, Czech Republic, even Mexico just to name a few. Hundreds more, basically any Country that doesn't have a monarchy in some form or another.

Although, I'm not surprised you wouldn't know that.


Staff member
Yes. Like it or not, agree or disagree, it's been far too long since Americans have been so strongly engaged on both sides. Maybe it's what has been missing in the democratic process.