Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Occupy Baltimore Rape Victim Begs For Protest To Be Shut Down

Occupy Portland Protester Describes Where Drug Dealers Are Located Inside Camp

Rape, Gropes, and Assaults, Oh My: Mayor Bloomberg, Shut Down Zuccotti Park!

Q: You said a deaf guy was raped?
A: Yeah…
Q: Did the guy, I mean, do these, did that get reported to the police, or did that stay inside the camp?
A: Well, OK, I’m not sure for that particular incident. Yeah, no I–that might have stayed inside the camp.

#OccupyOttawa Covering Up Sexual Assault, Violence

by Publius

Seem that the only single message these camps have in common is the fact that they allow criminals to run amok.

You are aware that the occupations are also attracting some homeless people who might not have positive intentions. Im hearing that they come at night, grab some food and camp out with the occupiers. Those cops should be trying to protect those occupiers from the criminal element instead of trying to shut them down!!


Well-Known Member
You are aware that the occupations are also attracting some homeless people who might not have positive intentions. Im hearing that they come at night, grab some food and camp out with the occupiers. Those cops should be trying to protect those occupiers from the criminal element instead of trying to shut them down!!
the occupiers should be spreading their wealth and open their arms to these unfortunate homeless people. They are just looking for food and shelter right?


Well-Known Member
backwards thinking......if not for the protesters, the cops, barricades, etc. wouldn't be there.

This is a peaceful protest. No need for the army of police or peacekeepers. All the cops do is stand there and cost the city big bucks in overtime pay!!


Well-Known Member
Rumor has been going around that NY cops on Wall Street payrolls have been up to no good on behalf of their "real" private employers. Claims have been made that this private security detail may indeed be a long lasting policy. Now word is coming out of North Carolina that a local judge has acknowledged this practice of police being defacto private entities and therefore no longer immune from suit. Rumor is that cops all over the state are being told to divorce themselves from any and all property holdings for the purpose of limiting loss of assets. If this is true, it truly is a game changer but will have to wait and see how this progresses.


Staff member
You have asked many questions in many different posts. Some people may believe that you are not serious about knowing the truth. At this point I will believe that you are sincere and truly would like to do some research on your own--unbiased not right nor left. Not for "political" talking points but because you are a truly an American that would appreciate some facts.
I am not going to link you to Fox News or to MsNBC.
Many people take shots at the NEW YORK TIMES as a Liberal publication. You can decide for yourself but it is definitely not right wing.

Bottom Line: I invested the time and read this book on my Kindle : "Reckless Endangerment" written by NEW YORK TIMES Pulitzer prize winning columnist Gretchen Morgenson along with Joshua Rosner.
They took an UNBIASED approach and did years on research and investigation on how the housing collapse happened. Politicians -left and right are exposed --Wall street companies and Executives are named. If and after you read this you will be OUTRAGED that some of these clowns are not in jail. Including: James Johnson, Franklin Raines, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ken Starr, Robert Rubin and Angelo Mozilo to just name a few.
Also executives from Goldman Sachs, Country wide, Lehman Brothers and AIG.

I cannot force you to read it but I can assure you all of your questions will be answered.:peaceful:The facts are there --most politicians do not want us to see them --it will change our system of Government that is purchased on all levels and all sides by the Lobbies. All of the people mentioned walked away with Hundreds of millions of the people's money.

I for one am tired of trying to protect the Left or Right at any cost .


Reckless Endangerment is a good book. It has some biases but it gets the big picture exactly right as far as deregulation being the root cause and if you had actually read my posts instead of attacking your straw man you might have seen that's what I've been saying. There were other contributing factors (most notably greed) but the simple fact is that none of it would have even been possible if the government hadn't completely abandoned it's oversight duties and gutted it's own regulatory structure (Gramm-Leach-Blilely was the final piece in that puzzle). It gets old hearing people blame it all on Fannie, Freddie, and the government pressuring banks to make bad loans because once deregulation got the ball rolling those were all moot factors. Once banks figured out they could get rich selling mortgages to people who clearly couldn't afford them those deals were gonna get made regardless of government pressure one way or the other, and if Fannie and Freddie hadn't backed those loans some else would have because there was too much money on the table. In large part they were just fighting for market share.
You are right that most of the key players are still in place and from a regulatory standpoint nothing has really changed and that's a sad testament to how much they have been able to control the narrative about what actually happened, it sure helps when you have a corporate stooge like John Stossel shilling the company line on 20/20 because that's as far as most people will look into it. Look for a repeat of this whole sad scenario in about 15-20 years.
If you want to read another good book try All the Devils Are Here.


Well-Known Member
Rumor has been going around that NY cops on Wall Street payrolls have been up to no good on behalf of their "real" private employers. Claims have been made that this private security detail may indeed be a long lasting policy. Now word is coming out of North Carolina that a local judge has acknowledged this practice of police being defacto private entities and therefore no longer immune from suit. Rumor is that cops all over the state are being told to divorce themselves from any and all property holdings for the purpose of limiting loss of assets. If this is true, it truly is a game changer but will have to wait and see how this progresses.

Is it possible for an individual to form a LLC?


golden ticket member
Is it possible for an individual to form a LLC?
This particular paragraph sounds as if you can.....

Income taxation:For U.S. Federal income tax purposes, LLCs are treated by default as a pass-through entity. If there is only one member in the company, the LLC is treated as a "disregarded entity" for tax purposes, and an individual owner would report the LLC's income on his or her individual tax return. For LLCs with multiple members, the LLC is treated as a partnership and must file the IRS Form 1065. The members of the LLC would be treated as partners and each would receive a K-1 reporting the share of the LLC's income or loss to be reported on that member's tax return.

Limited liability company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

Reckless Endangerment is a good book. It has some biases but it gets the big picture exactly right as far as deregulation being the root cause and if you had actually read my posts instead of attacking your straw man you might have seen that's what I've been saying. There were other contributing factors (most notably greed) but the simple fact is that none of it would have even been possible if the government hadn't completely abandoned it's oversight duties and gutted it's own regulatory structure (Gramm-Leach-Blilely was the final piece in that puzzle). It gets old hearing people blame it all on Fannie, Freddie, and the government pressuring banks to make bad loans because once deregulation got the ball rolling those were all moot factors. Once banks figured out they could get rich selling mortgages to people who clearly couldn't afford them those deals were gonna get made regardless of government pressure one way or the other, and if Fannie and Freddie hadn't backed those loans some else would have because there was too much money on the table. In large part they were just fighting for market share.
You are right that most of the key players are still in place and from a regulatory standpoint nothing has really changed and that's a sad testament to how much they have been able to control the narrative about what actually happened, it sure helps when you have a corporate stooge like John Stossel shilling the company line on 20/20 because that's as far as most people will look into it. Look for a repeat of this whole sad scenario in about 15-20 years.
If you want to read another good book try All the Devils Are Here.

I have a difficult time believing you have read the book. Deregulation -yes a part --but the main villian Johnson the head of Fannie making deals with Chris Dodd to have legislation passed involving Insurance companies like AIG and Barney Franks lover rising to an executive level at Fannie while Barney crowed about how solid Fannie and Freddie were. On top of the Corruption it was Bill Clinton's big dream of Social Engineering that Johnson fed off from.

You statements of banks begging to make these loans or what did Barney Frank have to do with it seem uniformed. Bottom line if the GOVERNMENT did not get involved in housing and social engineering and GSE'S and full faith and backing of the government --Wall street could not have "bundled " what was not there.

I am always looking to educate myself further and will get my hands on All the Devils are here.


I have a difficult time believing you have read the book. Deregulation -yes a part --but the main villian Johnson the head of Fannie making deals with Chris Dodd to have legislation passed involving Insurance companies like AIG and Barney Franks lover rising to an executive level at Fannie while Barney crowed about how solid Fannie and Freddie were. On top of the Corruption it was Bill Clinton's big dream of Social Engineering that Johnson fed off from.

You statements of banks begging to make these loans or what did Barney Frank have to do with it seem uniformed. Bottom line if the GOVERNMENT did not get involved in housing and social engineering and GSE'S and full faith and backing of the government --Wall street could not have "bundled " what was not there.

I am always looking to educate myself further and will get my hands on All the Devils are here.

So because you read a book you're now the authority on how the financial world crumbled. Really? I appreciate your statement of always trying to further your education but it appears you've missed the obvious bias from Gretchen Morgenson, or should we say Press Secretary Morgenson of the failed Steve Forbes Republican Presidential campaigns. The same Steve Forbes who hired Morgenson back in the eighties, the same guy who's on the Board of Directors of the Republican fund raising machine FreedomWorks (the creation of those unbiased Koch brothers). Forbes has been Morgenson's benefactor for years and you really think her book is unbiased?
I will agree many pols from both parties are not innocent in the effect of past legislation but the concentration of blame on Barney Frank is ludicrous. Frank was a minority Congressman from '95-'07 but somehow had unlimited influence and power. As far as Freddie/Fannie involvement, how does issuing loans to 2% of the population (under the Community Redevelopement Act also passed by a Republican congress) cause the entire economy to crash? Only one in twenty five lenders that did sub prime loans were involved with CRA loans, but lets heap the blame on those lazy poor people ripping off the rest of us again! Obviously it couldn't be the exemption from capital gain tax on home sales (also passed by a Republican congress) having anything to do with speculative home purchasing. It was all Barney!

It's pretty obvious from your lack of citing ANY Republican lawmakers who voted overwhelmingly to repeal Glass Steagle (on a mostly party line vote, before the final conference vote) where your real loyalty lies.