You have asked many questions in many different posts. Some people may believe that you are not serious about knowing the truth. At this point I will believe that you are sincere and truly would like to do some research on your own--unbiased not right nor left. Not for "political" talking points but because you are a truly an American that would appreciate some facts.
I am not going to link you to Fox News or to MsNBC.
Many people take shots at the NEW YORK TIMES as a Liberal publication. You can decide for yourself but it is definitely not right wing.
Bottom Line: I invested the time and read this book on my Kindle : "Reckless Endangerment" written by NEW YORK TIMES Pulitzer prize winning columnist Gretchen Morgenson along with Joshua Rosner.
They took an UNBIASED approach and did years on research and investigation on how the housing collapse happened. Politicians -left and right are exposed --Wall street companies and Executives are named. If and after you read this you will be OUTRAGED that some of these clowns are not in jail. Including: James Johnson, Franklin Raines, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ken Starr, Robert Rubin and Angelo Mozilo to just name a few.
Also executives from Goldman Sachs, Country wide, Lehman Brothers and AIG.
I cannot force you to read it but I can assure you all of your questions will be answered.

The facts are there --most politicians do not want us to see them --it will change our system of Government that is purchased on all levels and all sides by the Lobbies. All of the people mentioned walked away with Hundreds of millions of the people's money.
I for one am tired of trying to protect the Left or Right at any cost .