Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Give those numbers to a liberal. I was just talking about the rampant tax evasion going on. I personally believe the us should scrap ss.


Für Meno :)
Why a liberal ? Bush put all those tax cuts in place, and added medicare part B. Bush set it all up.
Obama didn't add to the deficit spending (he did add to debt, but not to the deficit spending).


Well-Known Member
Why a liberal ? Bush put all those tax cuts in place, and added medicare part B. Bush set it all up.
Obama didn't add to the deficit spending (he did add to debt, but not to the deficit spending).

I don't get it, liberal spending is different than conservative spending. In my house it doesn't matter if I spend 70K on a boat or my wife spends 70K on a car. Either way I'm out 70 grand. Or is it justified that if I spend 70K my wife has the right to spend 70K too. Now I'm out 140K, is that her fault, or mine.

In this scenario I would be living on my boat and she would be living in her car. But we would both be responsible for our own actions. It's not her fault were 140 grand in debt, but I'm glad I got my boat. Lol


Well-Known Member

So because you read a book you're now the authority on how the financial world crumbled. Really? I appreciate your statement of always trying to further your education but it appears you've missed the obvious bias from Gretchen Morgenson, or should we say Press Secretary Morgenson of the failed Steve Forbes Republican Presidential campaigns. The same Steve Forbes who hired Morgenson back in the eighties, the same guy who's on the Board of Directors of the Republican fund raising machine FreedomWorks (the creation of those unbiased Koch brothers). Forbes has been Morgenson's benefactor for years and you really think her book is unbiased?
I will agree many pols from both parties are not innocent in the effect of past legislation but the concentration of blame on Barney Frank is ludicrous. Frank was a minority Congressman from '95-'07 but somehow had unlimited influence and power. As far as Freddie/Fannie involvement, how does issuing loans to 2% of the population (under the Community Redevelopement Act also passed by a Republican congress) cause the entire economy to crash? Only one in twenty five lenders that did sub prime loans were involved with CRA loans, but lets heap the blame on those lazy poor people ripping off the rest of us again! Obviously it couldn't be the exemption from capital gain tax on home sales (also passed by a Republican congress) having anything to do with speculative home purchasing. It was all Barney!

It's pretty obvious from your lack of citing ANY Republican lawmakers who voted overwhelmingly to repeal Glass Steagle (on a mostly party line vote, before the final conference vote) where your real loyalty lies.

Frank 75,

I love to read books you should try one once in a while. Blame Barney Frank and his Executive lover working at Fannie. Blame the top dog Clinton who did not veto Glass/Steagle of course not how foolish --those innocent politicians and executives at Fannie and Freddie could not be guilty because they are left wing.

Also I am sure that NONE of the poor LIED on their mortgage applications to purchase homes they could never pay for --there is NO personal responsability for this . For lying we must figure out how to bail them out ,keep them in THEIR houses while the rest of us continue to work to pay our mortages and THEIRS.

You obviously do not read much. Jones was asking alot of questions on this thread and asked for a link. I proposed a book.

Previous to that and on many threads I have no love for any politician RIGHT or Left. I believe the wars should end Immediately and all 650+ U.S. military bases should be closed. We should concentrate on our problems here at home . Wow I must be a real RIGHT WINGER. Also on this thread I have stated that I am tired of people blinded by partisan politics. None of us should be "protecting " either side as they play us.

If the most powerful man in the world should have done anything--instead of all the teleprompter speeches--INVESTIGATE the housing collapse that has crippled the worlds economy. Let chips fall where they may--RIGHT,LEFT,POLITICIANS OR WALL STREET.

Thats what OWS should be demanding instead of banging on drums living in la-la land and singing their adopted anthem: "We don't want to work ,we just want to bang on the drums all day"

Hope that was clear enough for you . As working people the Limosine liberals or the champayne drinking right wing would spit on both of us. Right or left -spit is spit.


Frank 75,

I love to read books you should try one once in a while. Blame Barney Frank and his Executive lover working at Fannie. Blame the top dog Clinton who did not veto Glass/Steagle of course not how foolish --those innocent politicians and executives at Fannie and Freddie could not be guilty because they are left wing.

Also I am sure that NONE of the poor LIED on their mortgage applications to purchase homes they could never pay for --there is NO personal responsability for this . For lying we must figure out how to bail them out ,keep them in THEIR houses while the rest of us continue to work to pay our mortages and THEIRS.

You obviously do not read much. Jones was asking alot of questions on this thread and asked for a link. I proposed a book.

Previous to that and on many threads I have no love for any politician RIGHT or Left. I believe the wars should end Immediately and all 650+ U.S. military bases should be closed. We should concentrate on our problems here at home . Wow I must be a real RIGHT WINGER. Also on this thread I have stated that I am tired of people blinded by partisan politics. None of us should be "protecting " either side as they play us.

If the most powerful man in the world should have done anything--instead of all the teleprompter speeches--INVESTIGATE the housing collapse that has crippled the worlds economy. Let chips fall where they may--RIGHT,LEFT,POLITICIANS OR WALL STREET.

Thats what OWS should be demanding instead of banging on drums living in la-la land and singing their adopted anthem: "We don't want to work ,we just want to bang on the drums all day"

Hope that was clear enough for you . As working people the Limosine liberals or the champayne drinking right wing would spit on both of us. Right or left -spit is spit.
The housing collapse is a symptom of much larger problems of the overall economic structure and balance. I disagree with your post on the point of OWS demands.


Well-Known Member
Frank 75,

I love to read books you should try one once in a while. Blame Barney Frank and his Executive lover working at Fannie. Blame the top dog Clinton who did not veto Glass/Steagle of course not how foolish --those innocent politicians and executives at Fannie and Freddie could not be guilty because they are left wing.

Also I am sure that NONE of the poor LIED on their mortgage applications to purchase homes they could never pay for --there is NO personal responsability for this . For lying we must figure out how to bail them out ,keep them in THEIR houses while the rest of us continue to work to pay our mortages and THEIRS.

You obviously do not read much. Jones was asking alot of questions on this thread and asked for a link. I proposed a book.

Previous to that and on many threads I have no love for any politician RIGHT or Left. I believe the wars should end Immediately and all 650+ U.S. military bases should be closed. We should concentrate on our problems here at home . Wow I must be a real RIGHT WINGER. Also on this thread I have stated that I am tired of people blinded by partisan politics. None of us should be "protecting " either side as they play us.

If the most powerful man in the world should have done anything--instead of all the teleprompter speeches--INVESTIGATE the housing collapse that has crippled the worlds economy. Let chips fall where they may--RIGHT,LEFT,POLITICIANS OR WALL STREET.

Thats what OWS should be demanding instead of banging on drums living in la-la land and singing their adopted anthem: "We don't want to work ,we just want to bang on the drums all day"

Hope that was clear enough for you . As working people the Limosine liberals or the champayne drinking right wing would spit on both of us. Right or left -spit is spit.

People like you enjoy blaming individuals or parties. You believe if people like Frank or Obama or Pelosi,etc are gone, all will be perfect. The problem is with systems of governance and power. It is the fact that we have the best government money can buy. We have a system that bends democracy to the whims of a rapacious economic system. Where the rich and powerful easily and legally buy our politicians at every level (city, state and federal) if they are not actually in control of policyt at some regulatory agency themselves; that is the famous revolving door of lobbyist/regulator. For years they lobby for an industry, then join an administration and ''regulate" that same industry and then maybe go back to lobbying for that same industry.

You can continue to make fun of his teleprompter like a good little republican. That gets us nowhere. Criticizing the only grassroots response to our corporatocracy (the OWS) also gets us nowhere. Get off your computer and join one of these occupations.


Strength through joy
or join the Tea Party, a group that knows how to properly behave themselves at rallies , they come together have their say & go home .


Well-Known Member
People like you enjoy blaming individuals or parties. You believe if people like Frank or Obama or Pelosi,etc are gone, all will be perfect. The problem is with systems of governance and power. It is the fact that we have the best government money can buy. We have a system that bends democracy to the whims of a rapacious economic system. Where the rich and powerful easily and legally buy our politicians at every level (city, state and federal) if they are not actually in control of policyt at some regulatory agency themselves; that is the famous revolving door of lobbyist/regulator. For years they lobby for an industry, then join an administration and ''regulate" that same industry and then maybe go back to lobbying for that same industry.

You can continue to make fun of his teleprompter like a good little republican. That gets us nowhere. Criticizing the only grassroots response to our corporatocracy (the OWS) also gets us nowhere. Get off your computer and join one of these occupations.
I have been to my local occupation several times to see what its all about. I have been very disappointed with the lack of direction and the overall behavior. I never got an answer to exactly what the demands were of the group or of the Occupy movement in general. I heard a lot of complaining, but there was no direction to what needed to be done to fix things. What exactly are the demands of the Occupy movement? and what solutions will be the fix for this country?


Well-Known Member
Bette Midler offered to pay and it didn't say who's footing the bill.........who's paying for them? It shouldn't be the taxpayers!!

Democracy shouldnt come with a price tag!! Who should "pay" for the police prescence?? Give me a break!! Enjoy the beginning of the end of the corporate oligarchic state!!


Well-Known Member
Democracy shouldnt come with a price tag!! Who should "pay" for the police prescence?? Give me a break!! Enjoy the beginning of the end of the corporate oligarchic state!!
Im not as concerned with the costs of police prescence. That goes with the territory with any demonstration by any group. But as far as a group coming in and costing the taxpayers money simply to exist is setting a dangerous precedent. I live in a liberal city and even this city council has reversed course after setting a bad example by letting Occupy set up for an extended period of time. What happens when Westboro Baptist comes to town to protest a fallen soldier and demands the same thing afforded to Ocuppy? If an organization is allowed and given some space, the least it can do is 1. Follow the law and 2. Pay its own way....
Occupy Asheville may have to move | The Asheville Citizen-Times | citizen-times.com


Nine Lives
Democracy shouldnt come with a price tag!! Who should "pay" for the police prescence?? Give me a break!! Enjoy the beginning of the end of the corporate oligarchic state!!
Democracy shouldnt come with a price tag!!
Democracy is a form of government. Everything has a price tag. I don't understand the logic you used in forming this sentence. Perhaps you meant "Freedom of speech" instead of democracy.

Who should "pay" for the police presence?
It is the responsibility of the party applying for a permit to "gather" to pay. At least that is the way it is in Georgia and Atlanta where I live. When people are fined for unauthorized gatherings, the fine goes to pay for the policing and court costs associated with the unauthorized gathering. Sports teams pay for policing costs, churches do too.

Enjoy the beginning of the end of the corporate oligarchic state!
That might be a good thing. Corporations are treated like individuals with all the accompanying freedoms and rights. A corporations rights should be based on their responsibilities to the individuals in the country in which they operate and individuals in that corporation should be held accountable for criminal actions. Changes are needed.


golden ticket member
PERMITS ???? They have permits? I don't think so. If they did, and they paid a fee for the gathering, then maybe porta-pottys would be part of it. As far as I've read, they are staging a sit-in for lack of a better phrase.


Well-Known Member
People like you enjoy blaming individuals or parties. You believe if people like Frank or Obama or Pelosi,etc are gone, all will be perfect. The problem is with systems of governance and power. It is the fact that we have the best government money can buy. We have a system that bends democracy to the whims of a rapacious economic system. Where the rich and powerful easily and legally buy our politicians at every level (city, state and federal) if they are not actually in control of policyt at some regulatory agency themselves; that is the famous revolving door of lobbyist/regulator. For years they lobby for an industry, then join an administration and ''regulate" that same industry and then maybe go back to lobbying for that same industry.

You can continue to make fun of his teleprompter like a good little republican. That gets us nowhere. Criticizing the only grassroots response to our corporatocracy (the OWS) also gets us nowhere. Get off your computer and join one of these occupations.



Well-Known Member

You do realize that you work for and support your family by working for one of those "evil" corporations.

Since you give advice so freely let me return the gesture. Why don't you quit your job at that evil corporation --do something you truly believe in --join OWS -make something of yourself --bang on a drum and sing "I do not want to work all day" Save the world before it is too late.


the best way to hurt he people you don't like is to stop doing business with them.

do business with local Mom and Pops. when the economy really crashes it will be important to have a strong local economy and a strong community.


Well-Known Member
Democracy shouldnt come with a price tag!!
Democracy is a form of government. Everything has a price tag. I don't understand the logic you used in forming this sentence. Perhaps you meant "Freedom of speech" instead of democracy.

Who should "pay" for the police presence?
It is the responsibility of the party applying for a permit to "gather" to pay. At least that is the way it is in Georgia and Atlanta where I live. When people are fined for unauthorized gatherings, the fine goes to pay for the policing and court costs associated with the unauthorized gathering. Sports teams pay for policing costs, churches do too.

Enjoy the beginning of the end of the corporate oligarchic state!
That might be a good thing. Corporations are treated like individuals with all the accompanying freedoms and rights. A corporations rights should be based on their responsibilities to the individuals in the country in which they operate and individuals in that corporation should be held accountable for criminal actions. Changes are needed.

My point was you cannot put a price on the protesters expressing themselves, ok freedom of speech and assembly. But democracy is part of what is being spoken about out on the streets. Democracy is supposed to be government in which all have an equal say in decisions that affect our lives. Currently we do not. We have a small oligarchy which decides for us: they decide the issues that are "debated" and pick who we are to decide from (brand D or brand R). A matter of fact next year's election has already been decided before you or I have even voted. Whoever wins (Obama or Romney) is already bought and paid for by Wall St/corporate america. So the 99% of us have already lost and the 1% have already won.