Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's time to cut off the unemployment benifits so some of these clowns will go get a job!!!!!

The OWS is here not because they are unemployed. They are out there because of the unfairness of our economic system. They are protesting how the big greedy banks got bailed out and the rest of us got sold out. How certain privileged people only get taxed at 15% or lower of their income while the rest of us get taxes at much higher rates. How the rich and powerful and connected get to buy our government at every level while the rest of us are stuck with the bill.

By the way currently there are 5 people for every available job out there. Granted things are improving but it is going to take years and years to get to where we were employmentwise.


Well-Known Member
804, I think a more accurate picture of one's taxation is the effective tax rate or the rate based upon your completed tax return. My effective tax rate is usually right around 10%.


Well-Known Member
Sure you all want to reduce it to 40 or 26 sure. Why not 0 weeks right?? In this "dynamic" capitalistic economy the "free market" is being harmed when people get those terrible "hand outs" . Right?? They must not be trying hard enough if they are out of work more than 1 day!! Those lazy "free loaders"!! Ignore that corporate america is sitting on $2 TRILLION in cash and purposely not creating jobs just to make their bottom lines look juicier to stockholders!! Lets just blame the victims once again and make THEIR lives harder. Incredible!!


Well-Known Member
804, I think a more accurate picture of one's taxation is the effective tax rate or the rate based upon your completed tax return. My effective tax rate is usually right around 10%.

You are right. But some of these right wingers love to speak of how "high" some of our tax rates are while leaving out the part about all the loopholes and breaks.


Well-Known Member
OpEdNews - Article: Why Occupy? Here's why.

The history of labor vs. capital in the United States, of workers vs. owners, is well documented. The rich have almost always grown richer. But the worker gained in income as well. Professor Richard D. Wolff, Capitalism Hits the Fan, documents that workers gained in income each decade from the 1800s through 1970s. When adjusted for inflation, wages peaked in 1973. Since 1973, essentially none of the gains in worker productivity have been shared with the workers; business has retained literally all of it. Since, according to the Economic Policy Institute, through 2007 the richest 10 percent of Americans received 98 percent of all growth in income leaving 2 percent for the remaining 90 percent of us. From 1988 through 2008, income for the bottom 90 percent of us actually declined. The portion gained by the top 1 percent in general and the top 0.1 percent in particular is obscene.
The improved standards of living gained by labor unions, through higher wages and benefits for its members through 1973, were believed to be a burdensome cost to profits. Chicago's School of Economics' Milton Friedman had declared profits to be the only legitimate purpose of business. Something dramatic, something of epoch proportions, must have occurred in the 1970's that supported Friedman's contention. What could have happened?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I agree no banks or auto makers should have been bailed out. Yes the economy would have went down faster but also recovered faster. Same thing happened in the great depression. Economists now predict FDR's policies doubled its length!!!! I also believe EVERYONE should be taxed at the same rate. With no loopholes or write offs. Don't punish those who succeed. you have every right to choose not to use those companies. That's what makes this country great. If you don't like that you can CHOOSE not to live here!


Well-Known Member
I agree no banks or auto makers should have been bailed out. Yes the economy would have went down faster but also recovered faster. Same thing happened in the great depression. Economists now predict FDR's policies doubled its length!!!! I also believe EVERYONE should be taxed at the same rate. With no loopholes or write offs. Don't punish those who succeed. you have every right to choose not to use those companies. That's what makes this country great. If you don't like that you can CHOOSE not to live here!
688, The Founding Fathers chose to stay and make it better. Thank God they did. The "love it or leave it" is cute but foolish. The "economists" you refer to are bought and paid for hacks of corporate America, and no one "predicts" history.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm not going to waste my time talking politics cause it is one of those things people views don't get changed too often. I will just say our tax code is broken. A progressive tax does not work it leaves gaps at the top of every tax braket where there is no incentive to make more because after entering a higher tax braket you will actually make less.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to waste my time talking politics cause it is one of those things people views don't get changed too often. I will just say our tax code is broken. A progressive tax does not work it leaves gaps at the top of every tax braket where there is no incentive to make more because after entering a higher tax braket you will actually make less.

That is not accurate - you only pay the higher rate on the amount of earnings that is over the threshold for the next tax bracket. If the threshold is $50,000 (I do not know the exact number) and you make $50,005 you are only paying the higher rate on the last $5.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
This union worker will NOT be joining the Occcupy Wall Street "movement". I don't know why really. Oh wait....maybe because I'm not a spoiled college kid that has been brainwashed by a commie college professor into believing that capitalism is evil. Or maybe because I'm not a filthy deadbeat lazy bum that blames society instead of myself for my own problems. I am also not a limousine liberal like George Soros that needs to inject millions of cash (earned thanks to capitalism by the way) into socialist "movements" in order to keep my agenda alive. Well, I'm also not a socialist or a liberal (THANK GOD!) so maybe that's why. Or maybe I wont join for all of those reasons. Plus many more. :winnersmiley:

Oh by the way.....Occupy Wall Street's days are numbered. They are viewed by most people now as nothing more than trash in our streets and on our court house lawns that will burn out and be cleaned up sooner or later. Many have returned home to mommy and daddy already.


Well-Known Member
Carne Ross, author of "The Leaderless Revolution" on Participatory Democracy.


And the old nationstate models are in fact dying and failing all around us.



Well-Known Member
This union worker will NOT be joining the Occcupy Wall Street "movement". I don't know why really. Oh wait....maybe because I'm not a spoiled college kid that has been brainwashed by a commie college professor into believing that capitalism is evil. Or maybe because I'm not a filthy deadbeat lazy bum that blames society instead of myself for my own problems. I am also not a limousine liberal like George Soros that needs to inject millions of cash (earned thanks to capitalism by the way) into socialist "movements" in order to keep my agenda alive. Well, I'm also not a socialist or a liberal (THANK GOD!) so maybe that's why. Or maybe I wont join for all of those reasons. Plus many more. :winnersmiley:

Oh by the way.....Occupy Wall Street's days are numbered. They are viewed by most people now as nothing more than trash in our streets and on our court house lawns that will burn out and be cleaned up sooner or later. Many have returned home to mommy and daddy already.

First off, soros has nothing to do with OWS. They have collected about $800,000 since sept , they do not need his $$.

Secondly, "OWS's days are numbered"?? LOL This movement is only 4 months old. It is still a baby. But "numbered"?? This past week they had at least 3 different rallies in DC. It is the Tea party whose days are numbered (are they still around since they got co-opted by the republican party??) Stick around. Last week of March is a huge rally in DC. Then on July 4th another. Hmmm numbered???

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
First off, soros has nothing to do with OWS. They have collected about $800,000 since sept , they do not need his $$.

Secondly, "OWS's days are numbered"?? LOL This movement is only 4 months old. It is still a baby. But "numbered"?? This past week they had at least 3 different rallies in DC. It is the Tea party whose days are numbered (are they still around since they got co-opted by the republican party??) Stick around. Last week of March is a huge rally in DC. Then on July 4th another. Hmmm numbered???

Denial is a wonderful thing and ignorance is bliss I guess. Sooner or later you'll wake up though. And the Tea Party Movement isn't dead. They are EMPLOYED. While the Occupy bums are camping out on court house lawns and being evicted from churches that they've vandalized and desecrated the Tea Partiers are at work. So, yes.....numbered. As in outnumbered when it comes to employment and bathing habits.


Staff member
This union worker will NOT be joining the Occcupy Wall Street "movement". I don't know why really. Oh wait....maybe because I'm not a spoiled college kid that has been brainwashed by a commie college professor into believing that capitalism is evil. Or maybe because I'm not a filthy deadbeat lazy bum that blames society instead of myself for my own problems. I am also not a limousine liberal like George Soros that needs to inject millions of cash (earned thanks to capitalism by the way) into socialist "movements" in order to keep my agenda alive. Well, I'm also not a socialist or a liberal (THANK GOD!) so maybe that's why. Or maybe I wont join for all of those reasons. Plus many more. :winnersmiley:

Oh by the way.....Occupy Wall Street's days are numbered. They are viewed by most people now as nothing more than trash in our streets and on our court house lawns that will burn out and be cleaned up sooner or later. Many have returned home to mommy and daddy already.
That's funny. I bet UPS looks at the Teamsters in exactly the same way. I bet there is more than one Atlanta big-wig surveying the labor situation and thinking, "The Unions days are numbered." And the more people they have of your mindset, the closer they are to being correct.


Well-Known Member
Denial is a wonderful thing and ignorance is bliss I guess. Sooner or later you'll wake up though. And the Tea Party Movement isn't dead. They are EMPLOYED. While the Occupy bums are camping out on court house lawns and being evicted from churches that they've vandalized and desecrated the Tea Partiers are at work. So, yes.....numbered. As in outnumbered when it comes to employment and bathing habits.

I agree ignorance is bliss. People of this country voted for bush TWICE (ok once) and are in denial about the harm and baggage ( unfunded wars and tax cuts,etc) he and cheney left us. The tea party is dick armey and the koch brothers. Talk about denial and ignorance: the 2008 financial crisis clearly discredited the conservative/supply side movement's signature free market ideas(tax cuts for the top and gutting regulations on businesses). Come on we have lived through 3 decades of deregulating, deunionization, privatization and free trade agreements. Your side has taken us down that path of destruction yet none of you want to take responsibilty for it?? ANd now the "people's uprising" of the tea party movement (fully funded by establishment plutocrats) are demanding that we bow down before the altar of the free market ??? You need to wake up. I did several years ago.

As for being employed?? I am employed and i am a part of OWS. All the people i meet up with at the rallies also work. You read too much of rt wing corporate press and the spinmeisters. Bathing habits?? I shower everyday.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I agree ignorance is bliss. People of this country voted for bush TWICE (ok once) and are in denial about the harm and baggage ( unfunded wars and tax cuts,etc) he and cheney left us. The tea party is dick armey and the koch brothers. Talk about denial and ignorance: the 2008 financial crisis clearly discredited the conservative/supply side movement's signature free market ideas(tax cuts for the top and gutting regulations on businesses). Come on we have lived through 3 decades of deregulating, deunionization, privatization and free trade agreements. Your side has taken us down that path of destruction yet none of you want to take responsibilty for it?? ANd now the "people's uprising" of the tea party movement (fully funded by establishment plutocrats) are demanding that we bow down before the altar of the free market ??? You need to wake up. I did several years ago.

As for being employed?? I am employed and i am a part of OWS. All the people i meet up with at the rallies also work. You read too much of rt wing corporate press and the spinmeisters. Bathing habits?? I shower everyday.

An even worse denial, or in your case gross misconception, is the belief that "my side" caused the 2008 financial crisis. The last time "my side" had enough power to even affect the economy the economy was great. But oh wait....you leftists still think Clinton was responsible for that! Yep....ignorance is bliss.


Well-Known Member
An even worse denial, or in your case gross misconception, is the belief that "my side" caused the 2008 financial crisis. The last time "my side" had enough power to even affect the economy the economy was great. But oh wait....you leftists still think Clinton was responsible for that! Yep....ignorance is bliss.

Of course your side caused the crisis. Your ideology implemented by both corporate parties. This is supplyside economics actually affecting the economy.


Well-Known Member
I agree ignorance is bliss. People of this country voted for bush TWICE (ok once) and are in denial about the harm and baggage ( unfunded wars and tax cuts,etc) he and cheney left us. The tea party is dick armey and the koch brothers. Talk about denial and ignorance: the 2008 financial crisis clearly discredited the conservative/supply side movement's signature free market ideas(tax cuts for the top and gutting regulations on businesses). Come on we have lived through 3 decades of deregulating, deunionization, privatization and free trade agreements. Your side has taken us down that path of destruction yet none of you want to take responsibilty for it?? ANd now the "people's uprising" of the tea party movement (fully funded by establishment plutocrats) are demanding that we bow down before the altar of the free market ??? You need to wake up. I did several years ago.

As for being employed?? I am employed and i am a part of OWS. All the people i meet up with at the rallies also work. You read too much of rt wing corporate press and the spinmeisters. Bathing habits?? I shower everyday.

Its like a broken record.. Every presidency blames the previous presidents for their current problems. And then try and justify it in all kinds of ways.


Staff member
Its like a broken record.. Every presidency blames the previous presidents for their current problems. And then try and justify it in all kinds of ways.
Maybe the problem isn't the president, but the electorate. All 100% of them. We want, but don't want to pay. The one thing we all have in common.