Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Maybe the problem isn't the president, but the electorate. All 100% of them. We want, but don't want to pay. The one thing we all have in common.

and bammmm!.. there it is. 100% correct.

-Everyone wants a portion of someone elses income (the rich)
-They want more government programs to benefit themselves, while excluding others.

ie.. poor people will always vote for more welfare benefits,
non-home owners will always vote for MORE property taxes
middle-class will always vote for middle-class tax breaks
upper-class will always vote for upper-class tax breaks


Staff member
and bammmm!.. there it is. 100% correct.

-Everyone wants a portion of someone elses income (the rich)
-They want more government programs to benefit themselves, while excluding others.

ie.. poor people will always vote for more welfare benefits,
non-home owners will always vote for MORE property taxes
middle-class will always vote for middle-class tax breaks
upper-class will always vote for upper-class tax breaks



and bammmm!.. there it is. 100% correct.

-Everyone wants a portion of someone elses income (the rich)
-They want more government programs to benefit themselves, while excluding others.

ie.. poor people will always vote for more welfare benefits,
non-home owners will always vote for MORE property taxes
middle-class will always vote for middle-class tax breaks
upper-class will always vote for upper-class tax breaks
I would say the rich (capitalist) always wants a portion of someone elses income, meaning, from wage slaves. Who's buying the products that these conglomerates like Wal-Mart are shoveling down our throats?
It's a two way street.


Well-Known Member
Odd how a country could drop in rankings simply for jailing law breakers.

Yeah I guess you didnt read the actual article. It was about arresting JOURNALISTS doing their jobs and covering what OWS is doing as well as watching THE COPS!! Thats the part that some of these local governments didnt want the press to see: how the cops treated the ows people. I bet you reactionaries would be bitching and moaning if this stuff was happening in venezuela, etc. But here in this coountry, yawn!!!


Well-Known Member
I would like to personally thank those Occupy Wall Street people. They have shined a light on the real people who committed fraud and have escaped any responsibility. Remember in the 1980s with the Savings and Loan crisis, over 1000 bankers went to jail. As of today none of the Wall St scum have gone to jail, yet. I would have to blame the "Tea Party" loons for changing the conversation away from who is responsible for our economic crisis to "Obama is a Kenyan-born, socialist who hates America and wants to kill your grandma!" The Tea party were useful idiots used by the true backers and funders of the Tea party: the Koch Brothers , Dick Armey, etc.

It certainly is about time someone besides Ralph Nader said stop the gross greed of the financial and corporate elite. We have to stop their political puppets corrupted by these corporate greed heads that have turned their backs on the poor and middle class. It is about time we had a little rage against the machine against the plutocratic bastards in an unjust economy and unresponsive politics.

It is time to hit the streets when 1% of the people own over 90% of the net worth in this country!! When its ok for teachers, cops , firefighters, postal workers and union jobs in general to join the ranks of the unemployed. When it is ok to have roads , bridges, schools, etc to crumble or close. When it is ok to throw people out of their homes because of dishonest bankers. When stuff like this occurs it is ok because profits are up at Goldman Sachs or Exxon Mobil or UPS!!

Folks this movement has to continue. It is already spreading to other cities throughout the country. I even heard people in Cairo are ordering pizzas online to send via local NYC pizza parlors to the OWS people!!

Brothers and sisters, to stand on the sidelines and just watch is to be complicit with what is going on!! When OWS comes to a downtown near you, get out and join them. The corporate forces fear this will spread. And they are right. Today the young people in the streets were joined by thousands of union workers!! It was amazing to watch construction workers and Teamsters march side by side with 20 year olds with purple hair and 70 year old grannies for peace. There is hope!! Enough is Enough!!

Don't you just LOVE what these Socialist OWS's did to the Oakland Ca. City Hall? And you defend them? I say they should be used for target practice. Not with guns though, with missles.


Well-Known Member
Don't you just LOVE what these Socialist OWS's did to the Oakland Ca. City Hall? And you defend them? I say they should be used for target practice. Not with guns though, with missles.

Yeah kill them right. Sure more state murder because someone burned a flag!! To the guillotine!! Thanks for adding such deep thoughts and ideas to the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah kill them right. Sure more state murder because someone burned a flag!! To the guillotine!! Thanks for adding such deep thoughts and ideas to the conversation.
Perhaps Preload1 went a little overboard with his/her emotional response to such a non-sense movement. You gotta ask your why YOU support such destruction. If it were a legit movement the peoples cause would be exhibited by a more meaningful display in their actions, actions that showed they gave a **** instead of taking them whenever and where ever...:) Peace.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps Preload1 went a little overboard with his/her emotional response to such a non-sense movement. You gotta ask your why YOU support such destruction. If it were a legit movement the peoples cause would be exhibited by a more meaningful display in their actions, actions that showed they gave a **** instead of taking them whenever and where ever...:) Peace.
The OWS movement is filled with lots of people who have different ideas on how to protest. Some are more confrontational and violent while others are non-violent. Im not apologizing for the stupid behavior; its part of our society.


golden ticket member
......"stupid behavior; its part of our society. ................." (804)

So why would anyonewant to be part of a group that displays this?