Well-Known Member
And that "stupid behavior" is expressed every time the OWS morons get together and furthermore you fully support them...Whats that say about you?Im not apologizing for the stupid behavior; its part of our society.
And that "stupid behavior" is expressed every time the OWS morons get together and furthermore you fully support them...Whats that say about you?Im not apologizing for the stupid behavior; its part of our society.
And that "stupid behavior" is expressed every time the OWS morons get together and furthermore you fully support them...Whats that say about you?
I support the message: holding those responsible on wall st for what they did as well as expose the inequality of our current corrupt system that does not work for all of us. In a wide and diverse movement as this, keeping everyone on the same page is difficult. There is always an "anarchist" fringe that like to confront police (or any govt official) or do damage to property. I wouldnt call burning a flag "moronic" . I dont think it helps when you are trying to expand the movement but it is done with a purpose. Instead of coming on here are criticizing the movement and some of their actions, try visiting an occupation site and talk to the people there. Go over the heads of the media filter with their own corporate establishment bias .
One could say the same for RTWers.
Hey, it's that cranky old man who moved into the HOA neighborhood and now doesn't want to follow the rules.
Stop smelling my finger Pobre.
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Aww, Pobre is like the little kid that never got picked for anything and the cool kids made fun of. Now he's in his little office at RTW still soiling his Underoos. Oh, and I'll be sure to round up my "unattended" consequences. Do you find it a little difficult to form proper sentences and use punctuation when you are flustered? It shows.Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,Union busting drivel,
Word to the wise; don't EVER talk aboutas "crowbar" did here. Don't think anyone should be surprised by the discovery that the consequences of same aren't very pretty.
How does crapping in a park hold Wall st accountable. OWS cannot be taken seriously because their message lacks conviction. They can disrupt business, burn, loot, take over private property with a sense of entitlement but they then become worse than the purpose they proclaim they're fighting against. Tell me why did the tea party demonstrate without doing this? The teaparty actually affected change in getting people elected. I'm not a teaparty individual but they have my respect for the way the brought about change without all the bull ****. These OWS people in my opinion want something for nothing and are not willing to work hard. America in and of itself allows everyone the opportunity to succeed. So get people off the government food stamps and get them back to work. Besides Obama says there are plenty of jobs out there.I support the message: holding those responsible on wall st for what they did as well as expose the inequality of our current corrupt system that does not work for all of us. In a wide and diverse movement as this, keeping everyone on the same page is difficult. There is always an "anarchist" fringe that like to confront police (or any govt official) or do damage to property. I wouldnt call burning a flag "moronic" . I dont think it helps when you are trying to expand the movement but it is done with a purpose. Instead of coming on here are criticizing the movement and some of their actions, try visiting an occupation site and talk to the people there. Go over the heads of the media filter with their own corporate establishment bias .
Nanc, if you like this so much, The withdrawal cards are available at 14 elm st.menotyou;
"One" could...but the "one" wouldn't be speaking intelligently and/or honestly in doing so. In essence, all the "RTW"ers are asking for is nothing more than to be be left alone. They want to make their OWN decisions...and not be COMPELLED to follow the dictates of those who believe they can't exist except as parasites on their fellow man. Big difference.
Nanc, if you like this so much, The withdrawal cards are available at 14 elm st.
In this instance, burning the flag wasn't simply "moronic"....it was criminal. And, in case it's relevant, I actually made a point of speaking with "occupiers" on two separate occasions...and I found their prevalent attitude on both occasions to be one of "gimme, gimme". They "want" jobs. They "want" financing. They "want" health care. They "want" OTHERS to pay taxes. In total, there's a very long list of things they "want" from society, but a very short-to-non-existent list of what they are willing to PROVIDE. In addition, I left with the opinion that they represent the primary reason for there being such a level of alleged "inequality" in this country; i.e. - that their "class" of society (using the word VERY loosely and somewhat sarcastically!) just isn't willing to show the initiative, or express the willingness to compete, or expend the effort to EARN their way up from "inequality". One wonders how they can expect to treated as "equal" when they refuse to function on "equal" terms? There are exceptions, of course....but, generally speaking, I can't avoid thinking that, if they represent the "99%", then God help the country.
I know I'm going to regret asking this, but who or what is "Nanc", and where is "14 elm st" and (assuming it's an address) what is it's significance in the scheme of things? And what on earth do WITHDRAWAL cards hae to do with compleing people to pay you money?Nanc, if you like this so much, The withdrawal cards are available at 14 elm st.
I know I'm going to regret asking this, but who or what is "Nanc", and where is "14 elm st" and (assuming it's an address) what is it's significance in the scheme of things? And what on earth do WITHDRAWAL cards hae to do with compleing people to pay you money?