We have another mechanic who's been sleeping in server rooms for 2, 3, 4 or even 5 hours a day on the clock and then falsifying his time card (believe it or not we have to track every minute of our day) to say he was elsewhere in the plant completing dispatched work. It's been a very open secret that he's been doing this but management has been weak. It came out in his firing that our supervisor actually caught him sleeping twice...and didn't document it but only verbally warned him not to do it again and kept it to himself.
It all blew up when he put down 6 hours total on a job directly underneath a camera with 2 other mechanics and the other 2 guys finally got pissed at his shenanigans and told management he wasn't there for the job. We have a new PDA system that let's you see who put labor on dispatched work orders etc, so at the end of the day their dispatches showed that he had recorded 6 hours on a large job they did alone. This was after his keys had been found in the server room (he couldn't get back in without them) and turned in to management and returned to him the week before.
He got canned a couple weeks ago and tried to appeal, the appeal was denied this week. They said he's taking it up to the next level to appeal again.
Can someone please promise me this

ing tweaker isn't getting his job back? He's been filling up a mechanic job that could be held by someone who actually wants to work for over 2 years now.