Official Canada Thread with Current News


Well-Known Member
Windsor is a great place, I lived in Detroit in the 70s, and we would go across that bridge to play bingo. Detroit was the murder capital of the US in that year. And it is still run by Democrats. They did elect a republican governor, but boy does he have his work cut out. They killed the motor city.

Back when I was still married we went to a wedding just outside of Detroit. We crossed the bridge in to Canada and drove the 401. Windsor is a beautiful city--Detroit is a dump. Ironically the bridge is called the Ambassador Bridge.


Strength through joy
klein, this truly shows the difference between why Canada has a lower murder rate than the USA.

(Salon) — It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki. No effort was made to indict him for any crimes (despite a report last October that the Obama administration was “considering” indicting him). Despite substantial doubt among Yemen experts about whether he even has any operational role in Al Q aeda, no evidence (as opposed to unverified government accusations) was presented of his guilt. When Awlaki’s father sought a court order barring Obama from killing his son, the DOJ argued, among other things, that such decisions were “state secrets” and thus beyond the scrutiny of the courts. He was simply ordered killed by the President: his judge, jury and executioner.

From an authoritarian perspective, that’s the genius of America’s political culture. It not only finds way to obliterate the most basic individual liberties designed to safeguard citizens from consummate abuses of power (such as extinguishing the lives of citizens without due process). It actually gets its citizens to stand up and clap and even celebrate the destruction of those safeguards.


Für Meno :)
I'm not even going to go there with your stupidity, comparing killing a terrorist with others killing innocent people infront of a Safeway Store in AZ, or in a school, or just bystanders on the streets.
I don't hear any clapping there !


Strength through joy
again you misunderstand my post and try to switch the current topic on to something totally different.

Has your PM acknowledge a hit list for his own citizens ?
Of course not.
Canada is full of decent law biding citizens, who have high morals.

The USA currently has a president who have very low morals.
And that killing his own citizens without a trial is perfectly legal.
By calling it a military action he is cleared of all blame, a military action in another country that we are NOT a war with.


Well-Known Member
again you misunderstand my post and try to switch the current topic on to something totally different.

Has your PM acknowledge a hit list for his own citizens ?
Of course not.
Canada is full of decent law biding citizens, who have high morals.

The USA currently has a president who have very low morals.
And that killing his own citizens without a trial is perfectly legal.
By calling it a military action he is cleared of all blame, a military action in another country that we are NOT a war with.

As much as Obama is wrong here, he's not along in guilt by any stretch.

Anwar al-Awlaki, a Muslim cleric born in New Mexico but now living in Yemen, may be the first U.S. citizen targeted for assassination by the CIA under a counter-terror policy established by President George W. Bush and since embraced by President Barack Obama.


If you like we can move this to the Blame it on Bush thread and open it up to all kinds of possibilities including the fact that Obama is nothing more than another Bush to begin with!

If Obama is another Bush and Obama is socialist then..................


golden ticket member
As much as Obama is wrong here, he's not along in guilt by any stretch.


If you like we can move this to the Blame it on Bush thread and open it up to all kinds of possibilities including the fact that Obama is nothing more than another Bush to begin with!

If Obama is another Bush and Obama is socialist then..................

I don't care who is president, but when a US citizen 'turns', they become marked, just like any other murderer or terrorist. You plot against your country, your dead. You know that ahead of time, so if you choose treason and murder, then so be it.


golden ticket member
ZIP | Thursday, September 29, 2011
Finally: Big Sis Mulls Building Fence . . . On Canadian Border…
I feel safer already.
(CBC News) — The United States is looking at building fences along the border with Canada to help keep out terrorists and other criminals, according to a draft report by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency
The report proposes the use of “fencing and other barriers” on the 49th parallel to manage “trouble spots where passage of cross-border violators is difficult to control.”

But a spokesperson for U.S Customs and Border Protection said the government is not considering the fence option “at this time” and instead is looking at the environmental effects of putting more manpower, technology and infrastructure along the border.

The border service is also pondering options including a beefed-up technological presence through increased use of radar, sensors, cameras, drones and vehicle scanners. In addition, it might continue to improve or expand customs facilities at ports of entry.

The agency considered but ruled out the possibility of hiring “significantly more” U.S. Border Patrol agents to increase the rate of inspections, noting staffing has already risen in recent years.

Customs and Border Protection is inviting comment on the options and plans a series of public meetings in Washington and several U.S. border communities next month. It will then decide which ideas to pursue.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano noted last month the challenges of monitoring the vast, sparsely populated northern border region. She stressed manpower, but also a greater reliance on technology.


Für Meno :)
I thought you would love that news. Should cost another trillion atleast.
But we are all for it up here, as long as the Americans pay for it. Will keep the damn guns out of our country !

But they are just dreaming, they can't even keep Mexicans out, and their border is atleast 5 times smaller then ours.
Actually it will be very inexpensive to build a barrier to keep people from Canada from coming into the U.S. They will just tape job applications together into one continuous fence.


Für Meno :)
Taking West Edmonton mall to New Jersey

Alberta’s Ghermezian family plans to build ‘the American Dream’

By Richard Warnica | Maclean's – Thu, 29 Sep, 2011

In May, their Triple Five development company signed a contract to take over what, if all goes as planned, would become the largest mall complex on Earth.
The Ghermezian blueprints call for 700,000 square metres of entertainment and retail space on a controversial plot in the wetlands of New Jersey. About US $2 billion has already been spent on the project, with another $1.7 billion scheduled to come.
Along with Triple Five staples such as minigolf and a water park, the complex will boast a skydiving centre and North America’s first indoor ski hill.

Sketches of the site look almost eerily like parts of the West Edmonton Mall. But Triple Five says the project is all red, white and blue. In fact, the Ghermezians have dubbed it “The American Dream at Meadowlands,” a name they say speaks to “opportunity”—for jobs and tourists and tax revenue—but that one local columnist called “not just dumb [but] downright blasphemy.”
Taking West Edmonton mall to New Jersey

Alberta’s Ghermezian family plans to build ‘the American Dream’

By Richard Warnica | Maclean's – Thu, 29 Sep, 2011

In May, their Triple Five development company signed a contract to take over what, if all goes as planned, would become the largest mall complex on Earth.
The Ghermezian blueprints call for 700,000 square metres of entertainment and retail space on a controversial plot in the wetlands of New Jersey. About US $2 billion has already been spent on the project, with another $1.7 billion scheduled to come.
Along with Triple Five staples such as minigolf and a water park, the complex will boast a skydiving centre and North America’s first indoor ski hill.

Sketches of the site look almost eerily like parts of the West Edmonton Mall. But Triple Five says the project is all red, white and blue. In fact, the Ghermezians have dubbed it “The American Dream at Meadowlands,” a name they say speaks to “opportunity”—for jobs and tourists and tax revenue—but that one local columnist called “not just dumb [but] downright blasphemy.”

"But controversy was never likely to keep the Ghermezians away. Over the years the family has outlasted accusations of bribery, flirtations with bankruptcy, and a court case or three. They’ve been called “reclusive,” “elusive” and “secretive”—not to mention “combative,” “formidable” and “notoriously aggravating”—at least as negotiators. And yet, for all that, they continue to thrive."



Für Meno :)
Canadians are living longer than ever

By Jennifer Goldberg, Shine staff | Shine – Thu, 29 Sep, 2011 2:10 PM EDT

Good news, Canadians: you’re likely to live a long time. A new Statscan report shows that we’re living longer than ever, with life expectancy at birth reaching 80.9 years between 2006 and 2008. That’s up two years from the 2005 to 2007 period, reports the Globe and Mail.


Für Meno :)
No, I'm enjoying the first eggnog of the season. The day before yesterday, I made my own, and yesterday Safeway had it in the dairy section.
(it is cheaper to buy it then to make it, but if I make my own then I can use splenda instead of sugar... And no, for some reason, I don't like eggnog mixed with alcohol ).


Für Meno :)
Moreluck, go to the dollar store - I need your money to retire !

CPP investment board takes stake in U.S. dollar stores in deal worth US$1.6B

The Canadian Press, On Tuesday October 11, 2011, 9:04 am

By The Canadian Press TORONTO - The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is partnering with U.S.-based merchant bank Ares Management to buy U.S.-based retail discount chain 99 cent Only Stores (NYSE:NDN) in a deal worth US$1.6 billion.
The investment wing of the Canada Pension Plan says it has agreed to team up with New York-based Ares to buy the chain, which has 289 stores in California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada.
The group will pay $22 per share in cash for New York Stock Exchange-listed 99 cent Only Stores, a premium of about 32 per cent to its closing share price on Friday.
The investment board did not say how much of the total price it will be paying, nor the size of the stake it will be taking in 99 cent Only Stores.
The CPPIB invests the funds not needed by the Canada Pension Plan to pay current benefits on behalf of 17 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries


Für Meno :)
What's The Difference Between Retiring In Canada And America?

American and Canadian governments provide many of the same types of services to those planning for retirement. Yet, the subtle differences between the two countries are worth noting.