Official Canada Thread with Current News


Für Meno :)
Canada top destination for business, Forbes finds

During the run-up to every U.S. presidential election, countless Americans threaten to move to Canada if their preferred candidate does not emerge victorious.
Of course, few follow through with a move north. Maybe it is time to reconsider.

Canada is the top global destination for business, according to a new Forbes ranking that touts this country's economic resilience as much of the world battles major financial woes.
The top ranking marks a jump for Canada from fourth place in the ranking last year, which was due in large part to scoring higher in the tax category.

Canada was among the top tier of countries when it came to protecting investors and dealing with red tape, with the report saying it is relatively easy to start a new business in Canada.
The Forbes ranking described Canada as "an affluent, hightech industrial society in the trillion-dollar class," and said Canada and the U.S. had many similarities, including its "market-oriented economic system, pattern of production and affluent living standards."

It stressed "while the U.S. is paralyzed by fears of a double-dip recession and Europe struggles with sovereign-debt issues," Canada has stayed cool in terms of its economy, with a jump of 3.1 per cent in 2010 and more growth - at 2.4 per cent as forecast by the Royal Bank of Canada - expected in 2011.

1. Canada
2. New Zealand
3. Hong Kong
4. Ireland
5. Denmark
6. Singapore
7. Sweden
8. Norway
9. United Kingdom
10. United States

For a link to the Forbes report, please click here.



golden ticket member
Canada top destination for business, Forbes finds

During the run-up to every U.S. presidential election, countless Americans threaten to move to Canada if their preferred candidate does not emerge victorious.
Of course, few follow through with a move north. Maybe it is time to reconsider.

Canada is the top global destination for business, according to a new Forbes ranking that touts this country's economic resilience as much of the world battles major financial woes.
The top ranking marks a jump for Canada from fourth place in the ranking last year, which was due in large part to scoring higher in the tax category.

Canada was among the top tier of countries when it came to protecting investors and dealing with red tape, with the report saying it is relatively easy to start a new business in Canada.
The Forbes ranking described Canada as "an affluent, hightech industrial society in the trillion-dollar class," and said Canada and the U.S. had many similarities, including its "market-oriented economic system, pattern of production and affluent living standards."

It stressed "while the U.S. is paralyzed by fears of a double-dip recession and Europe struggles with sovereign-debt issues," Canada has stayed cool in terms of its economy, with a jump of 3.1 per cent in 2010 and more growth - at 2.4 per cent as forecast by the Royal Bank of Canada - expected in 2011.

1. Canada
2. New Zealand
3. Hong Kong
4. Ireland
5. Denmark
6. Singapore
7. Sweden
8. Norway
9. United Kingdom
10. United States

For a link to the Forbes report, please click here.

Your best buddy on here thinks Forbes is a mouthpiece for FOX news!!
Canada top destination for business, Forbes finds

During the run-up to every U.S. presidential election, countless Americans threaten to move to Canada if their preferred candidate does not emerge victorious.
Of course, few follow through with a move north. Maybe it is time to reconsider.

Canada is the top global destination for business, according to a new Forbes ranking that touts this country's economic resilience as much of the world battles major financial woes.
The top ranking marks a jump for Canada from fourth place in the ranking last year, which was due in large part to scoring higher in the tax category.

Canada was among the top tier of countries when it came to protecting investors and dealing with red tape, with the report saying it is relatively easy to start a new business in Canada.
The Forbes ranking described Canada as "an affluent, hightech industrial society in the trillion-dollar class," and said Canada and the U.S. had many similarities, including its "market-oriented economic system, pattern of production and affluent living standards."

It stressed "while the U.S. is paralyzed by fears of a double-dip recession and Europe struggles with sovereign-debt issues," Canada has stayed cool in terms of its economy, with a jump of 3.1 per cent in 2010 and more growth - at 2.4 per cent as forecast by the Royal Bank of Canada - expected in 2011.

1. Canada
2. New Zealand
3. Hong Kong
4. Ireland
5. Denmark
6. Singapore
7. Sweden
8. Norway
9. United Kingdom
10. United States

For a link to the Forbes report, please click here.
So is it safe to say that you are all for this? You believe it to be factual? Serious question.


Für Meno :)
I think it's factual, just when I think of your private health care system there.
It must be very hard to start your own family business, even a resturant for example.
The family will need to give up a company paid for healthcare and pay their own way (small fortune) or take the risk and be uninsured.

Someone gets ill, has an accident, and is hospitalized for a few days, maybe with surgery needed and after care....
Those bills alone will put the business out of business.

Going into business here is almost just as simple as selling things on e-bay.
I think it's factual, just when I think of your private health care system there.
It must be very hard to start your own family business, even a resturant for example.
The family will need to give up a company paid for healthcare and pay their own way (small fortune) or take the risk and be uninsured.

Someone gets ill, has an accident, and is hospitalized for a few days, maybe with surgery needed and after care....
Those bills alone will put the business out of business.

Going into business here is almost just as simple as selling things on e-bay.

You just stated one of the major complaints that conservatives make against 0bamacare. When companies, both large or small , are forced to provide healthcare to their employees it hurts in being able to gain the needed capital to start up a business. Governmental regulations are another major factor also.

Single operated family owned businesses have an easier time in start up if one of the family can keep their job that does provide at least a group hospitalization insurance plan for the family. It's when they look far enough into the future of hiring employees that it really gets tough.


golden ticket member
This is a video from my was an unusual "red flag" surf day. It's when we like to tell the tourists, go ahead, go in, it's refreshing. Keeps the # of tourists down!! One impressive still photo near the end shows the size of a rogue-type wave.

San Clemente 7/24/09 - YouTube


golden ticket member
[h=2]Poll: 62% of Canadian Muslims Favor Implementing Aspects of Sharia Law…[/h]

Even worse, 35% sais they would refuse to repudiate al-Qaeda.
(CNews) — A newly released survey suggests a large number of Muslims living in Canada will not disown Al-Qaida.
The study, conducted by the MacDonald Laurier Institute, found 65% of Muslims questioned said they would “repudiate absolutely” the terrorist organization, while 35% would not do so.

“From a security perspective, it is difficult to know if a 65% rate of repudiation (of Al-Qaida) is re-assuring or a 35% failure to repudiate troubling,” wrote study authors Christian Leuprecht, associate professor of the Royal Military College of Canada and Conrad Winn, Carleton University professor and president of COMPAS, a public opinion research firm.

“The most radical political views tended to be expressed by relatively secular people, often equipped with higher education in the social sciences, while devout Muslims were sometimes the most articulate advocates for Canada and democracy.” According to the Ottawa based think tank, only a small minority of Muslim newcomers to Canada reject Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Iranian regime.

The survey, which was released Tuesday, found 62% wanted some form of Shariah law in Canada, 15% of them saying it should be mandatory for all Muslims.

The report also states support for extremism is just as high among Muslims born in Canada, or other Western countries, as it is among those hailing from oppressive dictatorships


Für Meno :)
What a stupid report !
MUslims are all over the world and believe they are the largest religious group, aren't they ?

That would be like saying, Christians still support Hitler (because Germany is mostly Christian).

You suck, Moreluck ! You could do better then that, and not post BS.


Well-Known Member
What a stupid report ! MUslims are all over the world and believe they are the largest religious group, aren't they ? That would be like saying, Christians still support Hitler (because Germany is mostly Christian). You suck, Moreluck ! You could do better then that, and not post BS.
A newly released survey suggests a large number of Muslims living in Canada will not disown Al-Qaida. Ha, ha...The truth hurts.......Get ready to blow up! And "NO" you can't move here! LMAO!


golden ticket member
What a stupid report !
MUslims are all over the world and believe they are the largest religious group, aren't they ?

That would be like saying, Christians still support Hitler (because Germany is mostly Christian).

You suck, Moreluck ! You could do better then that, and not post BS.
Go ahead and close your eyes and put your welcoming arms out..............but you sure as hell better read up on Sharia Law........why don't you ask some of your friends who are living in England how the take over is going?
What a stupid report !
MUslims are all over the world and believe they are the largest religious group, aren't they ?

That would be like saying, Christians still support Hitler (because Germany is mostly Christian).

You suck, Moreluck ! You could do better then that, and not post BS.

Isn't CNEWS a Canadian news outlet? Do you give them credit for good reporting? Does CNEWS regularly post BS reports?

MoreLuck simply posted a news article and you say SHE sucks because you don't like the article? What's wrong Klein, did this hit too close to home for comfort?

Christians supporting Hitler??? It was more like Germans were supporting Hitler, for a minute.


Für Meno :)
Isn't CNEWS a Canadian news outlet? Do you give them credit for good reporting? Does CNEWS regularly post BS reports?

MoreLuck simply posted a news article and you say SHE sucks because you don't like the article? What's wrong Klein, did this hit too close to home for comfort? [/B][/I][/FONT][/COLOR]

Then show me a Canadian news report ! Not the Weasel Zipper one !
C'mon.... I'm waiting.

Even in your own country, how many Muslims are locked up and in jail compared to whites and blacks ?


golden ticket member
"Also troubling is the news that only a small minority of Muslim newcomers surveyed unequivocally reject Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Iranian regime. Support for the Muslim Brotherhood was stronger than expected, and not limited to Muslims who emigrated from the Middle East. In findings that will reverberate in both immigration and security policy, support for extremism was found to be just as high among Muslims born in Canada or other industrialized countries as among those coming from oppressive dictatorships, and “the most radical political views tended to be expressed by relatively secular people, often equipped with higher education in the social sciences, while devout Muslims were sometimes the most articulate advocates for Canada and democracy.”

Much good news and some worrying results in new study of Muslim public opinion in Canada Macdonald Laurier Institute