"The US. should take 'notes,' " quipped Benjamin Bang of Santa Clarita, Calif."
So, you found a 'Bang" for your buck!!
Americans fascinated by new plastic Canadian $100 bill
Americans commenting on the LA Times piece seemed a little envious.
"How cool is Canada?" said Stephanie Seymour of Santa Monica, Calif.
"The US. should take 'notes,' " quipped Benjamin Bang of Santa Clarita, Calif.
LA resident Erik Griswold said the U.S. should emulate Canada's use of $1 and $2 coins because it "would save us billions!" (The U.S. actually has a $1 coin but it's hardly used.)
"I wonder how many decades before America catches up with Canada?" he asked.
"Probably never," said Bang.
No actually I haven't seen any current Mexican pesos. I have no fear to admit when a good idea is a good idea. Remember I said I had the thought long ago. (before 1998)Believe me or not, but you probably seen Mexican Peso's. Yup, they have plastic money. It's great, esspecially at the Beach, you can swim with money in your pockets, and we even tried to tear 1 of those apart ( a 20 peso bill - $1.50 in value) and we couldn't, not even using full strength.
Australia had plastic since 1998, and the English Pound is also plastic.
Very interesting and informative. My question is, what is the cost per note including development? Will 2.7 use life pay the difference in cost?A good article about the new polymer banknotes from C-net,
Canada launches anti-fraud plastic banknotes | Crave - CNET
The new $100 bills cost 19 cents to manufacture — almost double the cost of the 10-cent paper bills — but the Bank of Canada assures they will last longer than the existing ones.
I can't blame them one bit. Anytime they start messing around the Ogallala Aquifer a red flag goes up for me. We can live without oil, we can not live without drinkable water.Oil pipeline from Alberta to Texas scares Nebraskan's
Keystone XL pipeline delay disappoints TransCanada - Business - CBC NewsOil Pipeline Churns Debate In Nebraska - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha
I'd suggest you get your hands on a few of the regular 100 bills in mint condition and hang on to them. If you live long enough they will be worth their weight in Loon feathers.As far as I remember from the news, the bills are in average 50% more expensive, but they get almost tripple the value out of them (lasting almost 3 times longer).
Personally, I would think they last a lot longer then that, but once kids get a hold of money, they treat it like crap.
But they will last a hundred years.On the flip side, in 2009 the U.S. Mint spent 1.62 cents to mint each penny.
But they will last a hundred years.