Official Canada Thread with Current News

If you ran a widget factory, and it cost you 1.62 cents to make a 1 cent widget, you most certainly would not last a hundred years.

Dave? of course you can't mfg a product for 1.62 cents that you are going to sell for 1 cent. But that isn't what happens with the reusable penny. The same penny will be used over and over an exponential amount of times through out the years and the need to mfg more is eliminated or greatly reduced.


Für Meno :)
Do you know that Italy took off a zero from it's currency years before the Euro became their currency.
$1.00 was well worth over $1000 Lira back then. It was too expensive for Italy to even make coins, so if you went to a bar back then, you needed to buy Juke Box tokens or pool table tokens for example.
They had no coins to operate any vending machines !
And no technology, yet, for those machines to take paper money.
Do you know that Italy took off a zero from it's currency years before the Euro became their currency.
$1.00 was well worth over $1000 Lira back then. It was too expensive for Italy to even make coins, so if you went to a bar back then, you needed to buy Juke Box tokens or pool table tokens for example.
They had no coins to operate any vending machines !

And no technology, yet, for those machines to take paper money.
Casinos have been using tokens for years, same concept. I do remember when some casinos still used the American silver dollar but there weren't many that did so. Now it's all on paper. Well there are still a few that use the tokens.


Für Meno :)

How Canada went from 'Third World' to top

U.S. officials struggling to solve the debt disaster need not look any further than Canada in 1994. Chrétien's solution
Casinos have been using tokens for years, same concept. I do remember when some casinos still used the American silver dollar but there weren't many that did so. Now it's all on paper. Well there are still a few that use the tokens.

Lots of casinos don`t use tokens now. They have sound effects of the "klinking coin" payout but in fact the machine prints out a slip with a barcode and value on it. You can feed it into another machine the same as cash or take it to the cage to cash out.


golden ticket member
Lots of casinos don`t use tokens now. They have sound effects of the "klinking coin" payout but in fact the machine prints out a slip with a barcode and value on it. You can feed it into another machine the same as cash or take it to the cage to cash out.
Just about totally eliminated the "cart people" who would break your big ones for coin or smaller bills.
Lots of casinos don`t use tokens now. They have sound effects of the "klinking coin" payout but in fact the machine prints out a slip with a barcode and value on it. You can feed it into another machine the same as cash or take it to the cage to cash out.
That's an deeper explanation of when I said, "Now it's all on paper.".
Just about totally eliminated the "cart people" who would break your big ones for coin or smaller bills.
Remember the people who worked the raised "change" area in the middle of a bank of machines? If you asked them nicely they could tell you which machine was most likely to pay out. That earned them some pretty substantial tips.


Strength through joy
New border plan will track everyone entering, leaving Canada

Canada is set to sign a border security agreement with the United States next week featuring a control system to track everyone leaving the country, according to a media report on Monday.
The Beyond the Border initiative is expected to include an entry-exit system allowing the U.S. to monitor people entering or leaving Canada, the CTV News report said.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama are expected to sign the agreement when they meet in Washington next week.
Government officials dismissed privacy concerns, saying that Canadians’ personal information is already shared with American officials when they visit the U.S.


Strength through joy
Canada May Save $6.7B by Exiting Kyoto Protocol

Canada , the country furthest from meeting its commitment to cut carbon emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, may save as much as $6.7 billion by exiting the global climate change agreement and not paying for offset credits.
Canada, which has the world’s third-largest proven oil reserves, would be the first of 191 signatories to the Kyoto Protocol to annul its emission-reduction obligations.
The country’s greenhouse-gas emissions are almost a third higher than 1990 levels, and it has a 6 percent CO2 reduction target for the end of 2012. If it couldn’t meet its goal, Canada would have to buy carbon credits, under the rules of the legally binding treaty.


Canada May Save $6.7B by Exiting Kyoto Protocol
I heard that Canada produces one tenth of one percent of the worlds carbon pollution.
China is like 25% the USA is not far behind them.

A recent study conducted in England shows that the top 10 air polluting countries are:
1. China
2. United States
3. Mexico
4. Russia
5. India
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. Canada
9. United Kingdom
10. Italy
Talk Radio - AM640 News: National Article


Lue,what's up with the news links?
Are you bored? Bad things happen everywhere.
Surely you are intelligent enough to not let one man
living in Edmonton Alberta affect your opinions on Canada.


Für Meno :)
Lue,what's up with the news links?
Are you bored? Bad things happen everywhere.
Surely you are intelligent enough to not let one man
living in Edmonton Alberta affect your opinions on Canada.

Who cares ? It's not like anyone died, and even though Edmonton is currently the Murder Capital of Canada, at 43 homicides with a population of almost 1 MIllion, it's less than any given city that size in the US per month !